Data Migration Shard Merge Scenario

This document shows how to use Data Migration (DM) in the shard merge scenario where the sharded schemas and sharded tables of three upstream MySQL instances need to be migrated to a downstream TiDB cluster.

Upstream instances

Assume that the upstream schemas are as follows:

  • Instance 1

    userinformation, log_north, log_bak
    store_01sale_01, sale_02
    store_02sale_01, sale_02
  • Instance 2

    userinformation, log_east, log_bak
    store_01sale_01, sale_02
    store_02sale_01, sale_02
  • Instance 3

    userinformation, log_south, log_bak
    store_01sale_01, sale_02
    store_02sale_01, sale_02

Migration requirements

  1. Merge tables with the same name. For example, merge the user.information tables of three upstream instances to the downstream user.information table in TiDB.
  2. Merge tables with different names. For example, merge the user.log_{north|south|east} tables of three upstream instances to the downstream user.log_{north|south|east} table in TiDB.
  3. Merge sharded tables. For example, merge the store_{01|02}.sale_{01|02} tables of three upstream instances to the downstream table in TiDB.
  4. Filter delete operations. For example, filter out all the delete operations in the user.log_{north|south|east} table of three upstream instances.
  5. Filter delete operations. For example, filter out all the delete operations in the user.information table of three upstream instances.
  6. Filter delete operations. For example, filter out all the delete operations in the store_{01|02}.sale_{01|02} table of three upstream instances.
  7. Use wildcards to filter specific tables. For example, filter out the user.log_bak tables of three upstream instances using wildcard user.log_*.
  8. Troubleshoot primary key conflicts. Because the store_{01|02}.sale_{01|02} tables have auto-increment primary keys of the bigint type, the conflict occurs when these tables are merged into TiDB. The following text will show you solutions to resolve and avoid the conflict.

Downstream instances

Assume that the downstream schema after migration is as follows:

userinformation, log_north, log_east, log_south

Migration solution

  • To satisfy the migration Requirements #1 and #2, configure the table routing rule as follows:

    routes: ... user-route-rule: schema-pattern: "user" target-schema: "user"
  • To satisfy the migration Requirement #3, configure the table routing rule as follows:

    routes: ... store-route-rule: schema-pattern: "store_*" target-schema: "store" sale-route-rule: schema-pattern: "store_*" table-pattern: "sale_*" target-schema: "store" target-table: "sale"
  • To satisfy the migration Requirements #4 and #5, configure the binlog event filtering rule as follows:

    filters: ... user-filter-rule: schema-pattern: "user" events: ["truncate table", "drop table", "delete", "drop database"] action: Ignore
  • To satisfy the migration Requirement #6, configure the binlog event filter rule as follows:

    filters: ... sale-filter-rule: schema-pattern: "store_*" table-pattern: "sale_*" events: ["truncate table", "drop table", "delete"] action: Ignore store-filter-rule: schema-pattern: "store_*" events: ["drop database"] action: Ignore
  • To satisfy the migration Requirement #7, configure the block and allow table lists as follows:

    block-allow-list: # Use black-white-list if the DM's version <= v1.0.6. log-bak-ignored: ignore-tales: - db-name: "user" tbl-name: "log_bak"
  • To satisfy the migration Requirement #8, first refer to handling conflicts of auto-increment primary key to solve conflicts. This guarantees that data is successfully migrated to the downstream when the primary key value of one sharded table is duplicate with that of another sharded table. Then, configure ignore-checking-items to skip checking the conflict of auto-increment primary key:

    ignore-checking-items: ["auto_increment_ID"]

Migration task configuration

The complete configuration of the migration task is shown as below. For more details, see Data Migration Task Configuration File.

name: "shard_merge" task-mode: all meta-schema: "dm_meta" remove-meta: false ignore-checking-items: ["auto_increment_ID"] target-database: host: "" port: 4000 user: "root" password: "" mysql-instances: - source-id: "instance-1" route-rules: ["user-route-rule", "store-route-rule", "sale-route-rule"] filter-rules: ["user-filter-rule", "store-filter-rule" , "sale-filter-rule"] block-allow-list: "log-bak-ignored" # Use black-white-list if the DM's version <= v1.0.6. mydumper-config-name: "global" loader-config-name: "global" syncer-config-name: "global" - source-id: "instance-2" route-rules: ["user-route-rule", "store-route-rule", "sale-route-rule"] filter-rules: ["user-filter-rule", "store-filter-rule" , "sale-filter-rule"] block-allow-list: "log-bak-ignored" # Use black-white-list if the DM's version <= v1.0.6. mydumper-config-name: "global" loader-config-name: "global" syncer-config-name: "global" - source-id: "instance-3" route-rules: ["user-route-rule", "store-route-rule", "sale-route-rule"] filter-rules: ["user-filter-rule", "store-filter-rule" , "sale-filter-rule"] block-allow-list: "log-bak-ignored" # Use black-white-list if the DM's version <= v1.0.6. mydumper-config-name: "global" loader-config-name: "global" syncer-config-name: "global" # Other common configs shared by all instances. routes: user-route-rule: schema-pattern: "user" target-schema: "user" store-route-rule: schema-pattern: "store_*" target-schema: "store" sale-route-rule: schema-pattern: "store_*" table-pattern: "sale_*" target-schema: "store" target-table: "sale" filters: user-filter-rule: schema-pattern: "user" events: ["truncate table", "drop table", "delete", "drop database"] action: Ignore sale-filter-rule: schema-pattern: "store_*" table-pattern: "sale_*" events: ["truncate table", "drop table", "delete"] action: Ignore store-filter-rule: schema-pattern: "store_*" events: ["drop database"] action: Ignore block-allow-list: # Use black-white-list if the DM's version <= v1.0.6. log-bak-ignored: ignore-tales: - db-name: "user" tbl-name: "log_bak" mydumpers: global: threads: 4 chunk-filesize: 64 skip-tz-utc: true loaders: global: pool-size: 16 dir: "./dumped_data" syncers: global: worker-count: 16 batch: 100 max-retry: 100