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TiDB Data Migration FAQ

This document collects the frequently asked questions (FAQs) about TiDB Data Migration (DM).

Does DM support migrating data from Alibaba RDS or other cloud databases?

Currently, DM only supports decoding the standard version of MySQL or MariaDB binlog. It has not been tested for Alibaba Cloud RDS or other cloud databases. If you are confirmed that its binlog is in standard format, then it is supported.

Here are some known incompatible issues:

  • In Alibaba Cloud RDS, for an upstream table with no primary key, its binlog still contains a hidden primary key column, which is inconsistent with the original table structure.
  • In HUAWEI Cloud RDS, directly reading binlog files is not supported. For more details, see Can HUAWEI Cloud RDS Directly Read Binlog Backup Files?

Does the regular expression of the block and allow list in the task configuration support non-capturing (?!)?

Currently, DM does not support it and only supports the regular expressions of the Golang standard library. See regular expressions supported by Golang via re2-syntax.

If a statement executed upstream contains multiple DDL operations, does DM support such migration?

DM will attempt to split a single statement containing multiple DDL change operations into multiple statements containing only one DDL operation, but might not cover all cases. It is recommended to include only one DDL operation in a statement executed upstream, or verify it in the test environment. If it is not supported, you can file an issue to the DM repository.

How to handle incompatible DDL statements?

When you encounter a DDL statement unsupported by TiDB, you need to manually handle it using dmctl (skipping the DDL statement or replacing the DDL statement with a specified DDL statement). For details, see Skip or replace abnormal SQL statements.

How to reset the data migration task?

Reset the data migration task when the relay log is in the normal state

If the relay log required by the data migration task is normal, you can use the following steps to reset the data migration task:

  1. Use stop-task to stop abnormal data migration tasks.

  2. Clean up the downstream migrated data.

  3. Choose one of the following methods to restart the data migration task:

    • Modify the task configuration file to specify a new task name, and then use start-task to restart the migration task.
    • Modify the task configuration file to set remove-meta to true, and then use start-task to restart the migration task.

Reset the data migration task when the relay log is in the abnormal state

The required relay log exists in upstream MySQL

If the relay log required by the migration task is abnormal in the DM-worker, but is normal in the upstream MySQL, you can use the following steps to restore the data migration task:

  1. Use the stop-task command to stop all the migration tasks that are currently running.

  2. Refer to restart DM-worker to stop the abnormal DM-worker node.

  3. Copy the normal binlog file from the upstream MySQL to replace the corresponding file in the relay log directory of DM-worker.

    • If the cluster is deployed using DM-Ansible, the relay log is in the <deploy_dir>/relay_log directory.
    • If the cluster is manually deployed using the binary, the relay log is in the directory set by the relay-dir parameter.
  4. Modify the information of relay.meta in the relay log directory of DM-worker to the information corresponding to the next binlog file.

    • If enable-gtid is not enabled, set binlog-name to the file name of the next binlog file, and set binlog-pos to 4. If you copy mysq-bin.000100 from the upstream MySQL to the relay directory, and want to continue to pull binlog from mysql-bin.000101 later, set binlog-name to mysql-bin.000101.

    • If enable-gtid is enabled, set binlog-gtid to the value corresponding to Previous_gtids at the beginning of the next binlog file. You can obtain the value by executing SHOW BINLOG EVENTS.

  5. Refer to restart DM-worker to start the abnormal DM-worker node.

  6. Use start-task to resume all stopped migration tasks.

The required relay log has been purged in upstream MySQL

If the relay log required by the migration task is abnormal in the DM-worker, and has been purged in the upstream MySQL, you can use the following steps to reset the data migration task:

  1. Use the stop-task command to stop all the migration tasks that are currently running.

  2. Use DM-Ansible to stop the entire DM cluster.

  3. Manually clean up the relay log directory of the DM-worker corresponding to the MySQL cluster whose binlog is reset.

    • If the cluster is deployed using DM-Ansible, the relay log is in the <deploy_dir>/relay_log directory.
    • If the cluster is manually deployed using the binary, the relay log is in the directory set of the relay-dir parameter.
  4. Clean up downstream migrated data.

  5. Use DM-Ansible to start the entire DM cluster.

  6. Choose one of the following methods to restart the data migration task:

    • Modify the task configuration file to specify a new task name, and then use start-task to restart the migration task.
    • Modify the task configuration file to set remove-meta to true, and then use start-task to restart the migration task.
[unit=Sync] ["error information"="{\"msg\":\"[code=36046:class=sync-unit:scope=internal:level=high] online ddls on ghost table `xxx`.`_xxxx_gho`\\*Error).Generate ......

The above error can be caused by the following reason:

In the last rename ghost_table to origin table step, DM reads the DDL information in memory, and restores it to the DDL of the origin table.

However, the DDL information in memory is obtained in either of the two ways:

Therefore, in the process of incremental replication, if the specified Pos has skipped the alter ghost_table DDL but the Pos is still in the online-ddl process of gh-ost, the ghost_table is not written into memory or dm_meta.{task_name}_onlineddl correctly. In such cases, the above error is returned.

You can avoid this error by the following steps:

  1. Remove the online-ddl-scheme configuration of the task.

  2. Configure _{table_name}_gho, _{table_name}_ghc, and _{table_name}_del in block-allow-list.ignore-tables.

  3. Execute the upstream DDL in the downstream TiDB manually.

  4. After the Pos is replicated to the position after the gh-ost process, re-enable the online-ddl-scheme and comment out block-allow-list.ignore-tables.

How to add tables to the existing data migration tasks?

If you need to add tables to a data migration task that is running, you can address it in the following ways according to the stage of the task.

In the Dump stage

Since MySQL cannot specify a snapshot for export, it does not support updating data migration tasks during the export and then restarting to resume the export through the checkpoint. Therefore, you cannot dynamically add tables that need to be migrated at the Dump stage.

If you really need to add tables for migration, it is recommended to restart the task directly using the new configuration file.

In the Load stage

During the export, multiple data migration tasks usually have different binlog positions. If you merge the tasks in the Load stage, they might not be able to reach consensus on binlog positions. Therefore, it is not recommended to add tables to a data migration task in the Load stage.

In the Sync stage

When the data migration task is in the Sync stage, if you add additional tables to the configuration file and restart the task, DM does not re-execute full export and import for the newly added tables. Instead, DM continues incremental replication from the previous checkpoint.

Therefore, if the full data of the newly added table has not been imported to the downstream, you need to use a separate data migration task to export and import the full data to the downstream.

Record the position information in the global checkpoint (is_global=1) corresponding to the existing migration task as checkpoint-T, such as (mysql-bin.000100, 1234). Record the position information of the full export metedata (or the checkpoint of another data migration task in the Sync stage) of the table to be added to the migration task as checkpoint-S, such as (mysql-bin.000099, 5678). You can add the table to the migration task by the following steps:

  1. Use stop-task to stop an existing migration task. If the table to be added belongs to another running migration task, stop that task as well.

  2. Use a MySQL client to connect the downstream TiDB database and manually update the information in the checkpoint table corresponding to the existing migration task to the smaller value between checkpoint-T and checkpoint-S. In this example, it is (mysql- bin.000099, 5678).

    • The checkpoint table to be updated is {task-name}_syncer_checkpoint in the {dm_meta} schema.

    • The checkpoint rows to be updated match id=(source-id) and is_global=1.

    • The checkpoint columns to be updated are binlog_name and binlog_pos.

  3. Set safe-mode: true for the syncers in the task to ensure reentrant execution.

  4. Start the task using start-task.

  5. Observe the task status through query-status. When syncerBinlog exceeds the larger value of checkpoint-T and checkpoint-S, restore safe-mode to the original value and restart the task. In this example, it is (mysql-bin.000100, 1234).

In DM v1.0, why does the command sql-skip fail to skip some statements when the task is in error?

You need to first check whether the binlog position is still advancing after you execute sql-skip. If so, it means that sql-skip has taken effect. The reason why this error keeps occurring is that the upstream sends multiple unsupported DDL statements. You can use sql-skip -s <sql-pattern> to set a pattern to match these statements.

Sometimes, the error message contains the parse statement information, for example:

if the DDL is not needed, you can use a filter rule with \"*\" schema-pattern to ignore it.\n\t : parse statement: line 1 column 11 near \"EVENT `event_del_big_table` \r\nDISABLE\" %!!(MISSING)(EXTRA string=ALTER EVENT `event_del_big_table` \r\nDISABLE

The reason for this type of error is that the TiDB parser cannot parse DDL statements sent by the upstream, such as ALTER EVENT, so sql-skip does not take effect as expected. You can add binlog event filters in the configuration file to filter those statements and set schema-pattern: "*".

Why do REPLACE statements keep appearing in the downstream when DM is replicating?

You need to check whether the safe mode is automatically enabled for the task. If the task is automatically resumed after an error, or if there is high availability scheduling, then the safe mode is enabled because it is within 5 minutes after the task is started or resumed.

You can check the DM-worker log file and search for a line containing change count. If the new count in the line is not zero, the safe mode is enabled. To find out why it is enabled, check when it happens and if any errors are reported before.

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