Manage the Data Migration Task
This document describes how to manage and maintain the data migration task using the dmctl component. For the Data Migration cluster deployed using DM-Ansible, the dmctl binary file is in dm-ansible/dmctl
The dmctl component supports the interactive mode for manual operations, and also supports the command mode for the script.
dmctl interactive mode
This section describes the basic use of dmctl commands in the interactive mode.
dmctl help
$ ./dmctl --help
Usage of dmctl:
# Prints the version information.
-V prints version and exit
-config string
path to config file
# Encrypts the database password according to the encryption method provided by DM; used in DM configuration files.
-encrypt string
encrypt plaintext to ciphertext
# The DM-master access address. dmctl interacts with the DM-master to complete task management operations.
-master-addr string
master API server addr
-rpc-timeout string
rpc timeout ("10m" by default)
Database password encryption
In DM configuration files, you need to use the password encrypted using dmctl, otherwise an error occurs. For a same original password, the password is different after each encryption.
$ ./dmctl -encrypt 123456
Task management overview
Enter the interactive mode to interact with DM-master.
./dmctl -master-addr
Welcome to dmctl
Release Version: v1.0.1
Git Commit Hash: e63c6cdebea0edcf2ef8c91d84cff4aaa5fc2df7
Git Branch: release-1.0
UTC Build Time: 2019-09-10 06:15:05
Go Version: go version go1.12 linux/amd64
» help
DM control
dmctl [command]
Available Commands:
break-ddl-lock forcefully break DM-worker's DDL lock
check-task check the config file of the task
help help about any command
migrate-relay migrate DM-worker's relay unit
pause-relay pause DM-worker's relay unit
pause-task pause a specified running task
purge-relay purge relay log files of the DM-worker according to the specified filename
query-error query task error
query-status query task status
refresh-worker-tasks refresh worker -> tasks mapper
resume-relay resume DM-worker's relay unit
resume-task resume a specified paused task
show-ddl-locks show un-resolved DDL locks
sql-inject inject (limited) SQLs into binlog replication unit as binlog events
sql-replace replace SQLs matched by a specific binlog position (binlog-pos) or a SQL pattern (sql-pattern); each SQL must end with a semicolon
sql-skip skip the binlog event matched by a specific binlog position (binlog-pos) or a SQL pattern (sql-pattern)
start-task start a task as defined in the config file
stop-task stop a specified task
switch-relay-master switch the master server of the DM-worker's relay unit
unlock-ddl-lock forcefully unlock DDL lock
update-master-config update the config of the DM-master
update-relay update the relay unit config of the DM-worker
update-task update a task's config for routes, filters, or block-allow-list
-h, --help help for dmctl
-w, --worker strings DM-worker ID
# Use "dmctl [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Manage the data migration task
This section describes how to use the task management commands to execute corresponding operations.
Create the data migration task
You can use the start-task
command to create the data migration task. Data Migration prechecks the corresponding privileges and configuration automatically while starting the data migration.
help start-task
start a task as defined in the config file
dmctl start-task [-w worker ...] <config-file> [flags]
-h, --help help for start-task
Global Flags:
-w, --worker strings DM-worker ID
Command usage example
start-task [ -w ""] ./task.yaml
Flags description
: (Optional) Specifies the group of DM-workers to executetask.yaml
. If it is set, only subtasks of the specified task on these DM-workers are started.config-file
: (Required) Specifies the file path oftask.yaml
Returned results
"result": true,
"msg": "",
"workers": [
"result": true,
"worker": "",
"msg": ""
"result": true,
"worker": "",
"msg": ""
Check the data migration task status
You can use the query-status
task management command to check the status of the data migration task. For details about the query result and subtask status, see Query Status.
help query-status
query task status
dmctl query-status [-w worker ...] [task-name] [flags]
-h, --help help for query-status
Global Flags:
-w, --worker strings DM-worker ID
Command usage example
Flags description
: (Optional) Specifies the group of DM-workers where the subtasks of the migration task (that you want to query) run.task-name
: (Optional) Specifies the task name. If it is not set, the results of all data migration tasks are returned.
Returned results
For detailed description of query parameters and a complete list of returned result, refer to Query status.
Check query errors
You can use query-error
to check error information on migration tasks or relay units. Compared to query-status
, query-error
only retrieves information related to the error itself.
is often used to obtain the binlog position information required by sql-skip
. For details on the flags and results of query-error
, refer to query-error
in Skip or Replace Abnormal SQL Statements.
Pause the data migration task
You can use the pause-task
command to pause a data migration task.
help pause-task
pause a specified running task
dmctl pause-task [-w worker ...] <task-name | task-file> [flags]
-h, --help help for pause-task
Global Flags:
-w, --worker strings DM-worker ID
Command usage example
pause-task [-w ""] task-name
Flags description
: (Optional) Specifies the group of DM-workers where the subtasks of the migration task (that you want to pause) run. If it is set, only subtasks on the specified DM-workers are paused.task-name | task-file
: (Required) Specifies the task name or task file path.
Returned results
pause-task test
"op": "Pause",
"result": true,
"msg": "",
"workers": [
"meta": {
"result": true,
"worker": "",
"msg": ""
"op": "Pause",
"logID": "2"
"meta": {
"result": true,
"worker": "",
"msg": ""
"op": "Pause",
"logID": "2"
Resume the data migration task
You can use the resume-task
command to resume the data migration task in the Paused
state. This is generally used in scenarios where you want to manually resume a data migration task after you handle the errors that cause the task to pause.
help resume-task
resume a specified paused task
dmctl resume-task [-w worker ...] <task-name | task-file> [flags]
-h, --help help for resume-task
Global Flags:
-w, --worker strings DM-worker ID
Command usage example
resume-task [-w ""] task-name
Flags description
: (Optional) Specifies the group of DM-workers where the subtasks of the migration task (that you want to restart) run. If it is set, only subtasks on the specified DM-workers are restarted.task-name | task-file
: (Required) Specifies the task name or task file path.
Returned results
resume-task test
"op": "Resume",
"result": true,
"msg": "",
"workers": [
"meta": {
"result": true,
"worker": "",
"msg": ""
"op": "Resume",
"logID": "3"
"meta": {
"result": true,
"worker": "",
"msg": ""
"op": "Resume",
"logID": "3"
Stop the data migration task
You can use the stop-task
command to stop a data migration task. For differences between stop-task
and pause-task
, refer to Pause the data migration task.
help stop-task
stop a specified task
dmctl stop-task [-w worker ...] <task-name | task-file> [flags]
-h, --help help for stop-task
Global Flags:
-w, --worker strings DM-worker ID
Command usage example
stop-task [-w ""] task-name
Flags description
: (Optional) Specifies the group of DM-workers where the subtasks of the migration task (that you want to stop) run. If it is set, only subtasks on the specified DM-workers are stopped.task-name | task-file
: (Required) Specifies the task name or task file path.
Returned results
stop-task test
"op": "Stop",
"result": true,
"msg": "",
"workers": [
"meta": {
"result": true,
"worker": "",
"msg": ""
"op": "Stop",
"logID": "4"
"meta": {
"result": true,
"worker": "",
"msg": ""
"op": "Stop",
"logID": "4"
Update the data migration task
You can use the update-task
command to update the data migration task. The following items support online update, while all other items do not support online update.
- table route rules
- block allow list
- binlog filter rules
Update items that support online update
Check the status of the corresponding data migration task using
query-status <task-name>
is notPaused
, usepause-task <task-name | task-file>
to pause the task.Edit the
file to update the custom configuration that you need to modify and the incorrect configuration.Update the task configuration using
update-task task.yaml
.Resume the task using
<task-name | task-file>
Update items that do not support online update
Check the status of the corresponding data migration task using
query-status <task-name>
.If the task exists, use
stop-task <task-name | task-file>
to stop the task.Edit the
file to update the custom configuration that you need to modify and the incorrect configuration.Restart the task using
start-task <config-file>
Command usage help
help update-task
update a task's config for routes, filters, block-allow-list
dmctl update-task [-w worker ...] <config-file> [flags]
-h, --help help for update-task
Global Flags:
-w, --worker strings DM-worker ID
Command usage example
update-task [-w ""] ./task.yaml
Flags description
: (Optional) Specifies the group of DM-workers where the subtasks of the migration task (that you want to update) run. If it is set, only subtasks on the specified DM-workers are updated.config-file
: (Required) Specifies the file path oftask.yaml
Returned results
update-task task.yaml
"result": true,
"msg": "",
"workers": [
"result": true,
"worker": "",
"msg": ""
"result": true,
"worker": "",
"msg": ""
Manage DDL locks
Currently, DDL lock related commands mainly include show-ddl-locks
, unlock-ddl-lock
, break-ddl-lock
, etc. For more information on their functions, usages, and applicable scenarios, refer to Handle Sharding DDL Locks Manually.
Other task and cluster management commands
In addition to the common task management commands above, DM also provides some other commands to manage data migration tasks and DM clusters.
Check the task configuration file
You can use the check-task
command to check whether a specified configuration file (task.yaml
) of the migration task is valid, or whether the configuration of upstream/downstream database, permission setting, and schema meet the migration requirements. For more details, refer to Precheck the upstream MySQL instance configuration.
When you use start-task
to start a migration task, DM also executes all checks done by check-task
help check-task
check the config file of the task
dmctl check-task <config-file> [flags]
-h, --help help for check-task
Global Flags:
-w, --worker strings DM-worker ID
Command usage example
check-task task.yaml
Flags description
: (Required) Specifies the path of thetask.yaml
Returned results
check-task task-test.yaml
"result": true,
"msg": "check pass!!!"
Pause a relay unit
Relay units automatically run after the DM-worker thread starts. You can use the pause-relay
command to pause the running relay units.
When you want to switch the DM-worker to connect to an upstream MySQL via a virtual IP, use pause-relay
to make corresponding changes on DM.
help pause-relay
pause DM-worker's relay unit
dmctl pause-relay <-w worker ...> [flags]
-h, --help help for pause-relay
Global Flags:
-w, --worker strings DM-worker ID
Command usage example
pause-relay -w ""
Flags description
: (Required) Specifies the DM-worker for which to pause the relay unit
Returned results
pause-relay -w ""
"op": "InvalidRelayOp",
"result": true,
"msg": "",
"workers": [
"op": "PauseRelay",
"result": true,
"worker": "",
"msg": ""
Resume a relay unit
You can use the resume-relay
command to resume a relay unit in Paused
When you want to switch the DM-worker to connect to an upstream MySQL via a virtual IP, use resume-relay
to make corresponding changes on DM.
help resume-relay
resume DM-worker's relay unit
dmctl resume-relay <-w worker ...> [flags]
-h, --help help for resume-relay
Global Flags:
-w, --worker strings DM-worker ID
Command usage example
resume-relay -w ""
Flags description
: (Required) Specifies the DM-worker for which to resume the relay unit
Returned results
resume-relay -w ""
"op": "InvalidRelayOp",
"result": true,
"msg": "",
"workers": [
"op": "ResumeRelay",
"result": true,
"worker": "",
"msg": ""
Switch the sub-directory for relay logs
Relay units store the binlog data from upstream MySQL instances in sub-directories. You can use the switch-relay-master
command to swith the relay unit to use a new sub-directory.
When you want to switch the DM-worker to connect to an upstream MySQL via a virtual IP, use switch-relay-master
to make corresponding changes on DM.
help switch-relay-master
switch the master server of the DM-worker's relay unit
dmctl switch-relay-master <-w worker ...> [flags]
-h, --help help for switch-relay-master
Global Flags:
-w, --worker strings DM-worker ID
Command usage example
switch-relay-master -w ""
Flags description
: (Required) Specifies the DM-worker for which to switch the relay unit
Returned results
switch-relay-master -w ""
"result": true,
"msg": "",
"workers": [
"result": true,
"worker": "",
"msg": ""
Manually purge relay log
DM supports Automatic data purge. You can also use purge-relay
to manually purge data.
help purge-relay
purge relay log files of the DM-worker according to the specified filename
dmctl purge-relay <-w worker> [--filename] [--sub-dir] [flags]
-f, --filename string name of the terminal file before which to purge relay log files. Sample format: "mysql-bin.000006"
-h, --help help for purge-relay
-s, --sub-dir string specify relay sub directory for --filename. If not specified, the latest one will be used. Sample format: "2ae76434-f79f-11e8-bde2-0242ac130008.000001"
Global Flags:
-w, --worker strings DM-worker ID
Command usage example
purge-relay -w "" --filename "mysql-bin.000003"
Flags description
: (Required) Specifies the DM-worker for which to perform a clean operation--filename
: (Required) Specifies the name of the terminal file before which to purge relay log files. For example, if the value ismysql-bin.000100
, the clean operation stops atmysql-bin.000099
: (Optional) Specifies the relay log sub-directory corresponding to--filename
. If not specified, the latest one is used.
Returned results
purge-relay -w "" --filename "mysql-bin.000003"
[warn] no --sub-dir specified for --filename; the latest one will be used
"result": true,
"msg": "",
"workers": [
"result": true,
"worker": "",
"msg": ""
Preset skip operation
You can use sql-skip
to preset a skip operation to be executed when the position or the SQL statement of the binlog event matches with the specified binlog-pos
or sql-pattern
. For descriptions of related parameters and results, refer to sql-skip
Preset replace operation
You can use sql-replace
to preset a replace operation to be executed when the position or the SQL statement of the binlog event matches with the specified binlog-pos
or sql-pattern
. For descriptions of related parameters and results, refer to sql-replace
Forcefully refresh the task => DM-workers
You can use the refresh-worker-tasks
command to forcefully refresh the task => DM-workers
mapping cached in the memory of the DM-master.
Refresh worker tasks
You can use the refresh-worker-tasks
command to forcefully refresh the task => DM-workers
mapping maintained in the DM-master memory.
dmctl command mode
The command mode differs from the interactive mode in that you need to append the task operation right after the dmctl command. The parameters of the task operation in the command mode are the same as those in the interactive mode.
./dmctl -master-addr start-task task.yaml
./dmctl -master-addr stop-task task
./dmctl -master-addr query-status
Available Commands:
break-ddl-lock break-ddl-lock <-w worker ...> <task-name> [--remove-id] [--exec] [--skip]
check-task check-task <config-file>
migrate-relay migrate-relay <worker> <binlogName> <binlogPos>
pause-relay pause-relay <-w worker ...>
pause-task pause-task [-w worker ...] <task-name>
purge-relay purge-relay <-w worker> [--filename] [--sub-dir]
query-error query-error [-w worker ...] [task-name]
query-status query-status [-w worker ...] [task-name]
refresh-worker-tasks refresh-worker-tasks
resume-relay resume-relay <-w worker ...>
resume-task resume-task [-w worker ...] <task-name>
show-ddl-locks show-ddl-locks [-w worker ...] [task-name]
sql-inject sql-inject <-w worker> <task-name> <sql1;sql2;>
sql-replace sql-replace <-w worker> [-b binlog-pos] [-s sql-pattern] [--sharding] <task-name> <sql1;sql2;>
sql-skip sql-skip <-w worker> [-b binlog-pos] [-s sql-pattern] [--sharding] <task-name>
start-task start-task [-w worker ...] <config-file>
stop-task stop-task [-w worker ...] <task-name>
switch-relay-master switch-relay-master <-w worker ...>
unlock-ddl-lock unlock-ddl-lock [-w worker ...] <lock-ID>
update-master-config update-master-config <config-file>
update-relay update-relay [-w worker ...] <config-file>
update-task update-task [-w worker ...] <config-file>
Deprecated or unrecommended commands
The following commands are either deprecated or only used for debugging purposes. They might be completely removed or their semantics might be changed in future versions. Strongly Not Recommended.