sync-diff-inspector User Guide

sync-diff-inspector is a tool used to compare data stored in the databases with the MySQL protocol. For example, it can compare the data in MySQL with that in TiDB, the data in MySQL with that in MySQL, or the data in TiDB with that in TiDB. In addition, you can also use this tool to repair data in the scenario where a small amount of data is inconsistent.

This guide introduces the key features of sync-diff-inspector and describes how to configure and use this tool. You can download it at tidb-community-toolkit-v3.0.15-linux-amd64.

Key features

Usage of sync-diff-inspector


  • Online check is not supported for data migration between MySQL and TiDB. Ensure that no data is written into the upstream-downstream checklist, and that data in a certain range is not changed. You can check data in this range by setting range.

  • JSON, BIT, BINARY, BLOB and other types of data are not supported. When you perform a data check, you need to set ignore-columns to skip checking these types of data.

  • In TiDB and MySQL, FLOAT, DOUBLE and other floating-point types are implemented differently, so checksum might be calculated differently. If the data checks are inconsistent due to these data types, set ignore-columns to skip checking these columns.

  • Support checking tables that do not contain the primary key or the unique index. However, if data is inconsistent, the generated SQL statements might not be able to repair the data correctly.

Database privilege

sync-diff-inspector needs to obtain the information of table schema, to query data, and to build the checkpoint database to save breakpoint information. The required database privileges are as follows:

  • Upstream database
    • SELECT (checks data for comparison)
    • SHOW_DATABASES (views database name)
    • RELOAD (views table schema)
  • Downstream database
    • SELECT (checks data for comparison)
    • CREATE (creates the checkpoint database and tables)
    • DELETE (deletes information in the checkpoint table)
    • INSERT (writes data into the checkpoint table)
    • UPDATE (modifies the checkpoint table)
    • SHOW_DATABASES (views database name)
    • RELOAD (views table schema)

Configuration file description

The configuration of sync-diff-inspector consists of three parts:

  • Global config: General configurations, including log level, chunk size, number of threads to check.
  • Tables config: Configures the tables for checking. If some tables have a certain mapping relationship between the upstream and downstream databases or have some special requirements, you must configure these tables.
  • Databases config: Configures the instances of the upstream and downstream databases.

Below is the description of a complete configuration file:

# Diff Configuration. ######################### Global config ######################### # The log level. You can set it to "info" or "debug". log-level = "info" # sync-diff-inspector divides the data into multiple chunks based on the primary key, # unique key, or the index, and then compares the data of each chunk. # Uses "chunk-size" to set the size of a chunk. chunk-size = 1000 # The number of goroutines created to check data check-thread-count = 4 # The proportion of sampling check. If you set it to 100, all the data is checked. sample-percent = 100 # If enabled, the chunk's checksum is calculated and data is compared by checksum. # If disabled, data is compared line by line. use-checksum = true # If it is set to true, data is checked only by calculating checksum. Data is not checked after inspection, even if the upstream and downstream checksums are inconsistent. only-use-checksum = false # Whether to use the checkpoint of the last check. If it is enabled, the inspector only checks the last unverified chunks and chunks that failed the verification. use-checkpoint = true # If it is set to true, data check is ignored. # If it is set to false, data is checked. ignore-data-check = false # If it is set to true, the table struct comparison is ignored. # If set to false, the table struct is compared. ignore-struct-check = false # The name of the file which saves the SQL statements used to repair data fix-sql-file = "fix.sql" ######################### Tables config ######################### # To compare the data of a large number of tables with different schema names or table names, or check the data of multiple upstream sharded tables and downstream table family, use the table-rule to configure the mapping relationship. You can configure the mapping rule only for the schema or table. Also, you can configure the mapping rules for both the schema and the table. #[[table-rules]] # schema-pattern and table-pattern support the wildcard *? # schema-pattern = "test_*" # table-pattern = "t_*" # target-schema = "test" # target-table = "t" # Configures the tables of the target database that need to be checked. [[check-tables]] # The name of the schema in the target database schema = "test" # The list of tables that need to be checked in the target database tables = ["test1", "test2", "test3"] # Supports using regular expressions to configure tables to be checked. # You need to start with '~'. For example, the following configuration checks # all the tables with the prefix 'test' in the table name. # tables = ["~^test.*"] # The following configuration checks all the tables in the database. # tables = ["~^"] # Special configuration for some tables # The configured table must be included in "check-tables'. [[table-config]] # The name of the schema in the target database schema = "test" # The table name table = "test3" # Specifies the column used to divide data into chunks. If you do not configure it, # sync-diff-inspector chooses an appropriate column (primary key, unique key, or a field with index). index-field = "id" # Specifies the range of the data to be checked # It needs to comply with the syntax of the WHERE clause in SQL. range = "age > 10 AND age < 20" # Sets it to "true" when comparing the data of multiple sharded tables # with the data of the combined table. is-sharding = false # The collation of the string type of data might be inconsistent in some conditions. # You can specify "collation" to guarantee the order consistency. # You need to keep it corresponding to the "charset" setting in the database. # collation = "latin1_bin" # Ignores checking some columns such as some types (json, bit, blob, etc.) # that sync-diff-inspector does not currently support. # The floating-point data type behaves differently in TiDB and MySQL. You can use # `ignore-columns` to skip checking these columns # ignore-columns = ["name"] # Configuration example of comparing two tables with different schema names and table names. [[table-config]] # The name of the target schema schema = "test" # The name of the target table table = "test2" # Sets it to "false" in non-sharding scenarios. is-sharding = false # Configuration of the source data [[table-config.source-tables]] # The instance ID of the source schema instance-id = "source-1" # The name of the source schema schema = "test" # The name of the source table table = "test1" ######################### Databases config ######################### # Configuration of the source database instance [[source-db]] host = "" port = 3306 user = "root" password = "123456" # The instance ID of the source database, the unique identifier of a database instance instance-id = "source-1" # Uses the snapshot function of TiDB. # If enabled, the history data is used for comparison. # snapshot = "2016-10-08 16:45:26" # Sets the `sql-mode` of the database to parse table structures. # sql-mode = "" # Configuration of the target database instance [target-db] host = "" port = 4000 user = "root" password = "123456" # Uses the snapshot function of TiDB. # If enabled, the history data is used for comparison. # snapshot = "2016-10-08 16:45:26" # Sets the `sql-mode` of the database to parse table structures. # sql-mode = ""

Run sync-diff-inspector

Run the following command:

./bin/sync_diff_inspector --config=./config.toml

This command outputs a check report to the log and describes the check result of each table. sync-diff-inspector generates the SQL statements to fix inconsistent data and stores these statements in a fix.sql file.


  • sync-diff-inspector consumes a certain amount of server resources when checking data. Avoid using sync-diff-inspector to check data during peak business hours.
  • TiDB uses the utf8_bin collation. If you need to compare the data in MySQL with that in TiDB, pay attention to the collation configuration of MySQL tables. If the primary key or unique key is the varchar type and the collation configuration in MySQL differs from that in TiDB, then the final check result might be incorrect because of the collation issue. You need to add collation to the sync-diff-inspector configuration file.
  • sync-diff-inspector divides data into chunks first according to TiDB statistics and you need to guarantee the accuracy of the statistics. You can manually run the analyze table {table_name} command when the TiDB server's workload is light.
  • Pay special attention to table-rules. If you configure schema-pattern="test1" and target-schema="test2", the test1 schema in the source database and the test2 schema in the target database are compared. If the source database has a test2 schema, this test2 schema is also compared with the test2 schema in the target database.
  • The generated fix.sql is only used as a reference for repairing data, and you need to confirm it before executing these SQL statements to repair data.