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PD Recover User Guide


PD Recover is a disaster recovery tool of PD, used to recover the PD cluster which cannot start or provide services normally. PD Recover is downloaded with TiDB Ansible in the resource/bin/pd-recover path.

Quick Start

This section describes how to use PD Recover to recover a PD cluster.

Get cluster ID

The cluster ID can be obtained from the log of PD, TiKV or TiDB. To get the cluster ID, you can either use the ansible ad-hoc command in the Control Machine, or view the log directly on the server.

To get the [info] cluster id from the PD log, run the following command:

ansible -i inventory.ini pd_servers -m shell -a 'cat {{deploy_dir}}/log/pd.log | grep "init cluster id" | head -10' | CHANGED | rc=0 >> [2019/10/14 10:35:38.880 +00:00] [INFO] [server.go:212] ["init cluster id"] [cluster-id=6747551640615446306] ……

Get [info] cluster ID from TiDB log

To get the [info] cluster ID from the TiDB log, run the following command:

ansible -i inventory.ini tidb_servers -m shell -a 'cat {{deploy_dir}}/log/tidb*.log | grep "init cluster id" | head -10' | CHANGED | rc=0 >> 2019/10/14 19:23:04.688 client.go:161: [info] [pd] init cluster id 6747551640615446306 ……

Get [info] PD cluster from TiKV log

To get the [info] PD cluster from the TiKV log, run the following command:

ansible -i inventory.ini tikv_servers -m shell -a 'cat {{deploy_dir}}/log/tikv* | grep "PD cluster" | head -10' | CHANGED | rc=0 >> [2019/10/14 07:06:35.278 +00:00] [INFO] [] ["connect to PD cluster 6747551640615446306"] ……

Get Alloc ID (TiKV StoreID)

The alloc-id value you specify must be larger than the currently largest Alloc ID value. To get Alloc ID, you can either use the ansible ad-hoc command in the Control Machine, or view the log directly on the server.

Get [info] allocates id from PD log

To get the [info] allocates id from the PD log, run the following command:

ansible -i inventory.ini pd_servers -m shell -a 'cat {{deploy_dir}}/log/pd* | grep "allocates" | head -10' | CHANGED | rc=0 >> [2019/10/15 03:15:05.824 +00:00] [INFO] [id.go:91] ["idAllocator allocates a new id"] [alloc-id=3000] [2019/10/15 08:55:01.275 +00:00] [INFO] [id.go:91] ["idAllocator allocates a new id"] [alloc-id=4000] ……

Get [info] alloc store id from TiKV log

To get the [info] alloc store id from the TiKV log, run the following command:

ansible -i inventory.ini tikv_servers -m shell -a 'cat {{deploy_dir}}/log/tikv* | grep "alloc store" | head -10' | CHANGED | rc=0 >> [2019/10/14 07:06:35.516 +00:00] [INFO] [] ["alloc store id 4 "] | CHANGED | rc=0 >> [2019/10/14 07:06:35.734 +00:00] [INFO] [] ["alloc store id 5 "] | CHANGED | rc=0 >> [2019/10/14 07:06:35.418 +00:00] [INFO] [] ["alloc store id 1 "] | CHANGED | rc=0 >> [2019/10/15 03:15:05.826 +00:00] [INFO] [] ["alloc store id 2001 "] | CHANGED | rc=0 >> [2019/10/15 03:15:05.987 +00:00] [INFO] [] ["alloc store id 2002 "]

Deploy a new PD cluster

To deploy a new PD cluster, run the following command:

ansible-playbook bootstrap.yml --tags=pd && ansible-playbook deploy.yml --tags=pd && ansible-playbook start.yml --tags=pd

To delete the old cluster, delete the data.pd directory and restart the PD service.

Use pd-recover

./pd-recover -endpoints -cluster-id 6747551640615446306 -alloc-id 10000

Restart PD cluster

ansible-playbook rolling_update.yml --tags=pd

Restart TiDB or TiKV

ansible-playbook rolling_update.yml --tags=tidb,tikv


Multiple cluster IDs are found when getting the cluster ID

When a PD cluster is created, a new cluster ID is generated. You can determine the cluster ID of the old cluster by viewing the log.

The error dial tcp connect: connection refused is returned when executing pd-recover

The PD service is required when you execute pd-recover. Deploy and start the PD cluster before you use PD Recover.