Create a Private Mirror

When creating a private cloud, usually, you need to use an isolated network environment, where the official mirror of TiUP is not accessible. Therefore, you can create a private mirror, which is mainly implemented by the mirror command. You can also use the mirror command for offline deployment. A private mirror also allows you to use components that you build and package by yourself.

TiUP mirror overview

Execute the following command to get the help information of the mirror command:

tiup mirror --help
The `mirror` command is used to manage a component repository for TiUP, you can use it to create a private repository, or to add new component to an existing repository. The repository can be used either online or offline. It also provides some useful utilities to help manage keys, users, and versions of components or the repository itself. Usage: tiup mirror <command> [flags] Available Commands: init Initialize an empty repository sign Add signatures to a manifest file genkey Generate a new key pair clone Clone a local mirror from a remote mirror and download all selected components merge Merge two or more offline mirrors publish Publish a component show Show the mirror address set Set mirror address modify Modify published component renew Renew the manifest of a published component. grant grant a new owner rotate Rotate root.json Global Flags: --help Help for this command Use "tiup mirror [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Clone a mirror

You can run the tiup mirror clone command to build a local mirror:

tiup mirror clone <target-dir> [global-version] [flags]
  • target-dir: used to specify the directory in which cloned data is stored.
  • global-version: used to quickly set a global version for all components.

The tiup mirror clone command provides many optional flags (might provide more in the future). These flags can be divided into the following categories according to their intended usages:

  • Determines whether to use prefix matching to match the version when cloning

    If the --prefix flag is specified, the version number is matched by prefix for the clone. For example, if you specify --prefix as "v5.0.0", then "v5.0.0-rc", and "v5.0.0" are matched.

  • Determines whether to use the full clone

    If you specify the --full flag, you can clone the official mirror fully.

  • Determines whether to clone packages from the specific platform

    If you want to clone packages only for a specific platform, use -os and -arch to specify the platform. For example:

    • Execute the tiup mirror clone <target-dir> [global-version] --os=linux command to clone for linux.
    • Execute the tiup mirror clone <target-dir> [global-version] --arch=amd64 command to clone for amd64.
    • Execute the tiup mirror clone <target-dir> [global-version] --os=linux --arch=amd64 command to clone for linux/amd64.
  • Determines whether to clone a specific version of a package

    If you want to clone only one version (not all versions) of a component, use --<component>=<version> to specify this version. For example:

    • Execute the tiup mirror clone <target-dir> --tidb v8.0.0 command to clone the v8.0.0 version of the TiDB component.
    • Run the tiup mirror clone <target-dir> --tidb v8.0.0 --tikv all command to clone the v8.0.0 version of the TiDB component and all versions of the TiKV component.
    • Run the tiup mirror clone <target-dir> v8.0.0 command to clone the v8.0.0 version of all components in a cluster.

After cloning, signing keys are set up automatically.

Manage the private repository

You can share the repository cloned using tiup mirror clone among hosts either by sharing files via SCP, NFS, or by making the repository available over the HTTP or HTTPS protocol. Use tiup mirror set <location> to specify the location of the repository.

tiup mirror set /shared_data/tiup
tiup mirror set

Another way of using a mirror is to use the TIUP_MIRRORS environment variable. Here is an example for running tiup list with a private repository.

export TIUP_MIRRORS=/shared_data/tiup tiup list

TIUP_MIRRORS setting can permanently change the mirror configuration, for example, tiup mirror set. For details, see tiup issue #651.

Update the private repository

If you run the tiup mirror clone command again with the same target-dir, the machine will create new manifests and download the latest versions of components available.

Custom repository

You can create a custom repository to work with TiDB components like TiDB, TiKV, or PD that you build by yourself. It is also possible to create your own tiup components.

To create your own components, run the tiup package command and perform as instructed in Component packaging.

Create a custom repository

To create an empty repository in /data/mirror:

tiup mirror init /data/mirror

As part of creating the repository, keys will be written to /data/mirror/keys.

To create a new private key in ~/.tiup/keys/private.json:

tiup mirror genkey

Grant jdoe with private key ~/.tiup/keys/private.json ownership of /data/mirror:

tiup mirror set /data/mirror tiup mirror grant jdoe

Work with custom components

  1. Create a custom component called hello.

    $ cat > hello.c << END > #include <stdio.h> int main() { printf("hello\n"); return (0); } END $ gcc hello.c -o hello $ tiup package hello --entry hello --name hello --release v0.0.1

    package/hello-v0.0.1-linux-amd64.tar.gz is created.

  2. Create a repository and a private key, and grant ownership to the repository.

    $ tiup mirror init /tmp/m $ tiup mirror genkey $ tiup mirror set /tmp/m $ tiup mirror grant $USER
    tiup mirror publish hello v0.0.1 package/hello-v0.0.1-linux-amd64.tar.gz hello
  3. Run the component. If it is not installed yet, it will be downloaded first.

    $ tiup hello
    The component `hello` version is not installed; downloading from repository. Starting component `hello`: /home/dvaneeden/.tiup/components/hello/v0.0.1/hello hello

    With tiup mirror merge, you can merge a repository with custom components into another one. This assumes that all components in /data/my_custom_components are signed by the current $USER.

    $ tiup mirror set /data/my_mirror $ tiup mirror grant $USER $ tiup mirror merge /data/my_custom_components