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tiup cluster template


Before deploying the cluster, you need to prepare a topology file of the cluster. TiUP has a built-in topology file template, and you can modify this template to create the final topology file. To output the built-in template content, you can use the tiup cluster template command.


tiup cluster template [flags]

If this option is not specified, the output default template contains the following instances:

  • 3 PD instances
  • 3 TiKV instances
  • 1 TiDB instance
  • 1 Prometheus instance
  • 1 Grafana instance
  • 1 Alertmanager instance



  • Outputs a detailed topology template that is commented with configurable parameters. To enable this option, add it to the command.
  • If this option is not specified, the simple topology template is output by default.


  • Outputs a simple topology template for the local cluster, which can be used directly, and the global parameter can be adjusted as needed.
  • This template creates a PD service, a TiDB service, a TiKV service, a monitoring service, and a Grafana service.


  • Outputs the topology template of multiple data centers. To enable this option, add it to the command.
  • If this option is not specified, the topology template of a single data center is output by default.

-h, --help

Prints the help information.


Outputs the topology template according to the specified options, which can be redirected to the topology file for deployment.

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