Deploy TiDB Lightning

This document describes the hardware requirements of using TiDB Lightning to import data, and how to deploy it manually. Requirements on hardware resources vary with the import modes. For details, refer to the following docs:

  1. Install TiUP using the following command:

    curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

    This command automatically adds TiUP to the PATH environment variable. You need to start a new terminal session or run source ~/.bashrc before you can use TiUP. (According to your environment, you may need to run source ~/.profile. For the specific command, check the output of TiUP.)

  2. Install TiDB Lightning using TiUP:

    tiup install tidb-lightning

Manual deployment

Download TiDB Lightning binaries

Refer to Download TiDB Tools and download TiDB Lightning binaries. TiDB Lightning is completely compatible with early versions of TiDB. It is recommended to use the latest version of TiDB Lightning.

Unzip the TiDB Lightning binary package to obtain the tidb-lightning executable file:

tar -zxvf tidb-lightning-${version}-linux-amd64.tar.gz chmod +x tidb-lightning

In this command,

  • -B test: means the data is exported from the test database.
  • -f test.t[12]: means only the test.t1 and test.t2 tables are exported.
  • -t 16: means 16 threads are used to export the data.
  • -F 256MB: means a table is partitioned into chunks and one chunk is 256 MB.

If the data source consists of CSV files, see CSV support for configuration.

Deploy TiDB Lightning

This section describes how to deploy TiDB Lightning manually.

Deploy TiDB Lightning manually

Step 1: Deploy a TiDB cluster

Before importing data, you need to have a deployed TiDB cluster. It is highly recommended to use the latest stable version.

You can find deployment instructions in TiDB Quick Start Guide.

Step 2: Download the TiDB Lightning installation package

Refer to the Download TiDB Tools document to download the TiDB Lightning package.

Step 3: Start tidb-lightning

  1. Upload bin/tidb-lightning and bin/tidb-lightning-ctl from the tool set.

  2. Mount the data source onto the same machine.

  3. Configure tidb-lightning.toml. For configurations that do not appear in the template below, TiDB Lightning writes a configuration error to the log file and exits.

    sorted-kv-dir sets the temporary storage directory for the sorted Key-Value files. The directory must be empty, and the storage space must be greater than the size of the dataset to be imported. See Downstream storage space requirements for details.

    [lightning] # The concurrency number of data. It is set to the number of logical CPU # cores by default. When deploying together with other components, you can # set it to 75% of the size of logical CPU cores to limit the CPU usage. # region-concurrency = # Logging level = "info" file = "tidb-lightning.log" [tikv-importer] # Sets the backend to the "local" mode. backend = "local" # Sets the directory of temporary local storage. sorted-kv-dir = "/mnt/ssd/sorted-kv-dir" [mydumper] # Local source data directory data-source-dir = "/data/my_database" [tidb] # Configuration of any TiDB server from the cluster host = "" port = 4000 user = "root" password = "" # Table schema information is fetched from TiDB via this status-port. status-port = 10080 # An address of pd-server. pd-addr = ""

    The above only shows the essential settings. See the Configuration section for the full list of settings.

  4. Run tidb-lightning.

    nohup ./tidb-lightning -config tidb-lightning.toml > nohup.out &

Upgrade TiDB Lightning

You can upgrade TiDB Lightning by replacing the binaries alone without further configurations. After the upgrade, you need to restart TiDB Lightning. For details, see How to properly restart TiDB Lightning.

If an import task is running, we recommend you to wait until it finishes before upgrading TiDB Lightning. Otherwise, there might be chances that you need to reimport from scratch, because there is no guarantee that checkpoints work across versions.