The RESOURCE_GROUPS table shows the information about all resource groups. For more information, see Use Resource Control to Achieve Resource Isolation.

USE information_schema; DESC resource_groups;
+------------+-------------+------+------+---------+-------+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +------------+-------------+------+------+---------+-------+ | NAME | varchar(32) | NO | | NULL | | | RU_PER_SEC | bigint(21) | YES | | NULL | | | BURSTABLE | varchar(3) | YES | | NULL | | +------------+-------------+------+------+---------+-------+ 3 rows in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> CREATE RESOURCE GROUP rg1 RU_PER_SEC=1000; -- Create the resource group rg1 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.34 sec) mysql> SHOW CREATE RESOURCE GROUP rg1; -- Display the definition of the rg1 resource group +----------------+---------------------------------------------+ | Resource_Group | Create Resource Group | +----------------+---------------------------------------------+ | rg1 | CREATE RESOURCE GROUP `rg1` RU_PER_SEC=1000 | +----------------+---------------------------------------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) mysql> SELECT * FROM information_schema.resource_groups WHERE NAME = 'rg1'; +------+------------+-----------+ | NAME | RU_PER_SEC | BURSTABLE | +------+------------+-----------+ | rg1 | 1000 | NO | +------+------------+-----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec)

The descriptions of the columns in the RESOURCE_GROUPS table are as follows:

  • NAME: the name of the resource group.
  • RU_PER_SEC:the backfilling speed of the resource group. The unit is RU/second, in which RU means Request Unit.
  • BURSTABLE: whether to allow the resource group to overuse the available system resources.