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Stress Test TiDB Using TiUP Bench Component

When you test the performance of a database, it is often required to stress test the database. To facilitate this, TiUP has integrated the bench component, which provides two workloads for stress testing: TPC-C and TPC-H. The commands and flags are as follows:

tiup bench
Starting component `bench`: /home/tidb/.tiup/components/bench/v1.5.0/bench Benchmark database with different workloads Usage: tiup bench [command] Available Commands: help Help about any command tpcc tpch Flags: --count int Total execution count, 0 means infinite -D, --db string Database name (default "test") -d, --driver string Database driver: mysql --dropdata Cleanup data before prepare -h, --help help for /Users/joshua/.tiup/components/bench/v0.0.1/bench -H, --host string Database host (default "") --ignore-error Ignore error when running workload --interval duration Output interval time (default 10s) --isolation int Isolation Level 0: Default, 1: ReadUncommitted, 2: ReadCommitted, 3: WriteCommitted, 4: RepeatableRead, 5: Snapshot, 6: Serializable, 7: Linerizable --max-procs int runtime.GOMAXPROCS -p, --password string Database password -P, --port int Database port (default 4000) --pprof string Address of pprof endpoint --silence Don't print error when running workload --summary Print summary TPM only, or also print current TPM when running workload -T, --threads int Thread concurrency (default 16) --time duration Total execution time (default 2562047h47m16.854775807s) -U, --user string Database user (default "root")

The following sections describe how to run TPC-C and TPC-H tests using TiUP.

Run TPC-C test using TiUP

The TiUP bench component supports the following commands and flags to run the TPC-C test:

Available Commands: check Check data consistency for the workload cleanup Cleanup data for the workload prepare Prepare data for the workload run Run workload Flags: --check-all Run all consistency checks -h, --help help for tpcc --parts int Number to partition warehouses (default 1) --warehouses int Number of warehouses (default 10)

Test procedures

  1. Create 4 warehouses using 4 partitions via hash:

    tiup bench tpcc --warehouses 4 --parts 4 prepare
  2. Run the TPC-C test:

    tiup bench tpcc --warehouses 4 run
  3. Clean up data:

    tiup bench tpcc --warehouses 4 cleanup
  4. Check the consistency:

    tiup bench tpcc --warehouses 4 check
  5. Generate the CSV file:

    tiup bench tpcc --warehouses 4 prepare --output-dir data --output-type=csv
  6. Generate the CSV file for the specified table:

    tiup bench tpcc --warehouses 4 prepare --output-dir data --output-type=csv --tables history,orders

Run TPC-H test using TiUP

The TiUP bench component supports the following commands and parameters to run the TPC-H test:

Available Commands: cleanup Cleanup data for the workload prepare Prepare data for the workload run Run workload Flags: --check Check output data, only when the scale factor equals 1 -h, --help help for tpch --queries string All queries (default "q1,q2,q3,q4,q5,q6,q7,q8,q9,q10,q11,q12,q13,q14,q15,q16,q17,q18,q19,q20,q21,q22") --sf int scale factor

Test procedures

  1. Prepare data:

    tiup bench tpch --sf=1 prepare
  2. Run the TPC-H test by executing one of the following commands:

    • If you check the result, run this command:

      tiup bench tpch --sf=1 --check=true run
    • If you do not check the result, run this command:

      tiup bench tpch --sf=1 run
  3. Clean up data:

    tiup bench tpch cleanup