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Information Schema

Information Schema provides an ANSI-standard way of viewing system metadata. TiDB also provides a number of custom INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables, in addition to the tables included for MySQL compatibility.

Many INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables have a corresponding SHOW command. The benefit of querying INFORMATION_SCHEMA is that it is possible to join between tables.

Tables for MySQL compatibility

Table NameDescription
CHARACTER_SETSProvides a list of character sets the server supports.
COLLATIONSProvides a list of collations that the server supports.
COLLATION_CHARACTER_SET_APPLICABILITYExplains which collations apply to which character sets.
COLUMNSProvides a list of columns for all tables.
COLUMN_PRIVILEGESNot implemented by TiDB. Returns zero rows.
COLUMN_STATISTICSNot implemented by TiDB. Returns zero rows.
ENGINESProvides a list of supported storage engines.
EVENTSNot implemented by TiDB. Returns zero rows.
FILESNot implemented by TiDB. Returns zero rows.
GLOBAL_STATUSNot implemented by TiDB. Returns zero rows.
GLOBAL_VARIABLESNot implemented by TiDB. Returns zero rows.
KEY_COLUMN_USAGEDescribes the key constraints of the columns, such as the primary key constraint.
OPTIMIZER_TRACENot implemented by TiDB. Returns zero rows.
PARAMETERSNot implemented by TiDB. Returns zero rows.
PARTITIONSProvides a list of table partitions.
PLUGINSNot implemented by TiDB. Returns zero rows.
PROCESSLISTProvides similar information to the command SHOW PROCESSLIST.
PROFILINGNot implemented by TiDB. Returns zero rows.
ROUTINESNot implemented by TiDB. Returns zero rows.
SCHEMATAProvides similar information to SHOW DATABASES.
SCHEMA_PRIVILEGESNot implemented by TiDB. Returns zero rows.
SESSION_STATUSNot implemented by TiDB. Returns zero rows.
SESSION_VARIABLESProvides similar functionality to the command SHOW SESSION VARIABLES
STATISTICSProvides information on table indexes.
TABLESProvides a list of tables that the current user has visibility of. Similar to SHOW TABLES.
TABLESPACESNot implemented by TiDB. Returns zero rows.
TABLE_CONSTRAINTSProvides information on primary keys, unique indexes and foreign keys.
TABLE_PRIVILEGESNot implemented by TiDB. Returns zero rows.
TRIGGERSNot implemented by TiDB. Returns zero rows.
USER_PRIVILEGESSummarizes the privileges associated with the current user.
VIEWSProvides a list of views that the current user has visibility of. Similar to running SHOW FULL TABLES WHERE table_type = 'VIEW'

Tables that are TiDB extensions

Table NameDescription
ANALYZE_STATUSProvides information about tasks to collect statistics.
CLIENT_ERRORS_SUMMARY_BY_HOSTProvides a summary of errors and warnings generated by client requests and returned to clients.
CLIENT_ERRORS_SUMMARY_BY_USERProvides a summary of errors and warnings generated by clients.
CLIENT_ERRORS_SUMMARY_GLOBALProvides a summary of errors and warnings generated by clients.
CLUSTER_CONFIGProvides details about configuration settings for the entire TiDB cluster.
CLUSTER_DEADLOCKSProvides a cluster-level view of the DEADLOCKS table.
CLUSTER_HARDWAREProvides details on the underlying physical hardware discovered on each TiDB component.
CLUSTER_INFOProvides details on the current cluster topology.
CLUSTER_LOADProvides current load information for TiDB servers in the cluster.
CLUSTER_LOGProvides a log for the entire TiDB cluster
CLUSTER_PROCESSLISTProvides a cluster-level view of the PROCESSLIST table.
CLUSTER_SLOW_QUERYProvides a cluster-level view of the SLOW_QUERY table.
CLUSTER_STATEMENTS_SUMMARYProvides a cluster-level view of the STATEMENTS_SUMMARY table.
CLUSTER_TIDB_TRXProvides a cluster-level view of the TIDB_TRX table.
CLUSTER_SYSTEMINFOProvides details about kernel parameter configuration for servers in the cluster.
DATA_LOCK_WAITSProvides the lock-waiting information on the TiKV server.
DDL_JOBSProvides similar output to ADMIN SHOW DDL JOBS
DEADLOCKSProvides the information of several deadlock errors that have recently occurred.
INSPECTION_RESULTTriggers internal diagnostics checks.
INSPECTION_RULESA list of internal diagnostic checks performed.
INSPECTION_SUMMARYA summarized report of important monitoring metrics.
METRICS_SUMMARYA summary of metrics extracted from Prometheus.
METRICS_TABLESProvides the PromQL definitions for tables in METRICS_SCHEMA.
SEQUENCESThe TiDB implementation of sequences is based on MariaDB.
SLOW_QUERYProvides information on slow queries on the current TiDB server.
STATEMENTS_SUMMARYSimilar to performance_schema statement summary in MySQL.
STATEMENTS_SUMMARY_HISTORYSimilar to performance_schema statement summary history in MySQL.
TABLE_STORAGE_STATSProvides details about table sizes in storage.
TIDB_HOT_REGIONSProvides statistics about which regions are hot.
TIDB_INDEXESProvides index information about TiDB tables.
TIDB_SERVERS_INFOProvides a list of TiDB servers (namely, tidb-server component)
TIDB_TRXProvides the information of the transactions that are being executed on the TiDB node.
TIFLASH_REPLICAProvides details about TiFlash replicas.
TIKV_REGION_PEERSProvides details about where regions are stored.
TIKV_REGION_STATUSProvides statistics about regions.
TIKV_STORE_STATUSProvides basic information about TiKV servers.