TiDB Monitoring API

You can use the following two types of interfaces to monitor the TiDB cluster state:

  • The state interface: this interface uses the HTTP interface to get the component information.
  • The metrics interface: this interface uses Prometheus to record the detailed information of the various operations in components and views these metrics using Grafana.

Use the state interface

The state interface monitors the basic information of a specific component in the TiDB cluster. It can also act as the monitor interface for Keepalive messages. In addition, the state interface for the Placement Driver (PD) can get the details of the entire TiKV cluster.

TiDB server

  • TiDB API address: http://${host}:${port}
  • Default port: 10080

The following example uses http://${host}:${port}/status to get the current state of the TiDB server and to determine whether the server is alive. The result is returned in JSON format.

curl { connections: 0, # The current number of clients connected to the TiDB server. version: "5.7.25-TiDB-v3.0.0-beta-250-g778c3f4a5", # The TiDB version number. git_hash: "778c3f4a5a716880bcd1d71b257c8165685f0d70" # The Git Hash of the current TiDB code. }

PD server

  • PD API address: http://${host}:${port}/pd/api/v1/${api_name}
  • Default port: 2379
  • Details about API names: see PD API doc

The PD interface provides the state of all the TiKV servers and the information about load balancing. See the following example for the information about a single-node TiKV cluster:

curl { "count": 1, # The number of TiKV nodes. "stores": [ # The list of TiKV nodes. # The details about the single TiKV node. { "store": { "id": 1, "address": "", "version": "3.0.0-beta", "state_name": "Up" }, "status": { "capacity": "20 GiB", # The total capacity. "available": "16 GiB", # The available capacity. "leader_count": 17, "leader_weight": 1, "leader_score": 17, "leader_size": 17, "region_count": 17, "region_weight": 1, "region_score": 17, "region_size": 17, "start_ts": "2019-03-21T14:09:32+08:00", # The starting timestamp. "last_heartbeat_ts": "2019-03-21T14:14:22.961171958+08:00", # The timestamp of the last heartbeat. "uptime": "4m50.961171958s" } } ]

Use the metrics interface

The metrics interface monitors the state and performance of the entire TiDB cluster.

After Prometheus and Grafana are successfully deployed, configure Grafana.