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How to Run TPC-C Test on TiDB

This document describes how to test TiDB using TPC-C.

TPC-C is an online transaction processing (OLTP) benchmark. It tests the OLTP system by using a commodity sales model that involves the following five transactions of different types:

  • NewOrder
  • Payment
  • OrderStatus
  • Delivery
  • StockLevel


Before testing, TPC-C Benchmark specifies the initial state of the database, which is the rule for data generation in the database. The ITEM table contains a fixed number of 100,000 items, while the number of warehouses can be adjusted. If there are W records in the WAREHOUSE table, then:

  • The STOCK table has W * 100,000 records (Each warehouse corresponds to the stock data of 100,000 items)
  • The DISTRICT table has W * 10 records (Each warehouse provides services to 10 districts)
  • The CUSTOMER table has W * 10 * 3,000 records (Each district has 3,000 customers)
  • The HISTORY table has W * 10 * 3,000 records (Each customer has one transaction history)
  • The ORDER table has W * 10 * 3,000 records (Each district has 3,000 orders and the last 900 orders generated are added to the NEW-ORDER table. Each order randomly generates 5 ~ 15 ORDER-LINE records.

In this document, the testing uses 1,000 warehouses as an example to test TiDB.

TPC-C uses tpmC (transactions per minute) to measure the maximum qualified throughput (MQTh, Max Qualified Throughput). The transactions are the NewOrder transactions and the final unit of measure is the number of new orders processed per minute.

This testing uses the open-source BenchmarkSQL 5.0 as the TPC-C testing tool and adds the support for the MySQL protocol. You can download the testing program by using the following command:

git clone -b 5.0-mysql-support-opt-2.1

To install Java and Ant, run the following command (take CentOS as an example):

sudo yum install -y java ant

Enter the benchmarksql directory and run ant to build:

cd benchmarksql ant

Deploy the TiDB cluster

For 1,000 warehouses, the TiDB cluster can be deployed on three machines, with one TiDB instance, one PD instance, and one TiKV instance on each machine.

For example, the hardware configuration is as follows:

OSLinux (CentOS 7.3.1611)
CPU40 vCPUs, Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 v4 @ 2.20GHz
DISKOptane 500GB SSD
  1. Because this type of CPU has a NUMA architecture, it is recommended to bind the core using numactl.

  2. Execute the lscpu command to view the NUMA nodes. The result is similar to:

    NUMA node0 CPU(s): 0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,30,32,34,36,38 NUMA node1 CPU(s): 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23,25,27,29,31,33,35,37,39
  3. Start TiDB by adding numactl to the {tidb_deploy_path}/scripts/ start-up script:

    #!/bin/bash set -e ulimit -n 1000000 # WARNING: This file was auto-generated. Do not edit! # All your edit might be overwritten! DEPLOY_DIR=/home/damon/deploy/tidb1-1 cd "${DEPLOY_DIR}" || exit 1 export TZ=Asia/Shanghai # You need to specify different cpunodebind and membind for different TiDB instances on the same machine to bind different Numa nodes. exec numactl --cpunodebind=0 --membind=0 bin/tidb-server \ -P 4111 \ --status="10191" \ --advertise-address="" \ --path="" \ --config=conf/tidb.toml \ --log-slow-query="/home/damon/deploy/tidb1-1/log/tidb_slow_query.log" \ --log-file="/home/damon/deploy/tidb1-1/log/tidb.log" 2>> "/home/damon/deploy/tidb1-1/log/tidb_stderr.log"
  4. You can deploy an HAproxy to balance the loads on multiple TiDB nodes. It is recommended to configure nbproc as the number of CPU cores.

Edit the configuration

Configure TiDB

[log] level = "error" [performance] # Sets the maximum number of CPU cores to use for a single TiDB instance according to NUMA configuration. max-procs = 20 [prepared-plan-cache] # Enables the prepared plan cache in TiDB configuration to reduce the overhead of optimizing your execution plan. enabled = true

Configure TiKV

You can use the basic configuration at the beginning. Then after the test is run, you can adjust it based on the metrics on Grafana and the TiKV Tuning Instructions.

Configure BenchmarkSQL

Edit the benchmarksql/run/props.mysql file:

conn=jdbc:mysql://{HAPROXY-HOST}:{HAPROXY-PORT}/tpcc?useSSL=false&useServerPrepStmts=true&useConfigs=maxPerformance warehouses=1000 # Uses 1,000 warehouses. terminals=500 # Uses 500 terminals. loadWorkers=32 # The number of concurrent workers that load data.

Load data

Loading data is usually the most time-consuming and problematic stage of the entire TPC-C test. This section provides the following four steps to load data.

First, use a MySQL client to connect to the TiDB server and run the following command:

create database tpcc;

Second, run the following BenchmarkSQL script in shell to create tables:

cd run && \ ./ props.mysql sql.mysql/tableCreates.sql && \ ./ props.mysql sql.mysql/indexCreates.sql

Third, use one of the following two ways to load data:

Use BenchmarkSQL to load data directly

Run the following script to load data:

./ props.mysql

This process might last for several hours depending on the machine configuration.

Use TiDB Lightning to load data

The amount of loaded data increases as the number of warehouses increases. When you need to load more than 1000 warehouses of data, you can first use BenchmarkSQL to generate CSV files, and then quickly load the CSV files through TiDB Lightning (hereinafter referred to as Lightning). The CSV files can be reused multiple times, which saves the time required for each generation.

Follow the steps below to use TiDB Lightning to load data:

  1. Modify the BenchmarkSQL configuration file.

    The CSV file of one warehouse requires 77 MB of disk space. To ensure sufficient disk space, add a line to the benchmarksql/run/props.mysql file:

    fileLocation=/home/user/csv/ # The absolute path of the directory where your CSV files are stored

    It is recommended that the CSV file names adhere to the naming rules in Lightning, that is, {database}.{table}.csv, because eventually you'll use Lightning to load data. Here you can modify the above configuration as follows:

    fileLocation=/home/user/csv/tpcc. # The absolute path of the directory where your CSV files are stored + the file name prefix (database)

    This will generate CSV files with a naming style such as tpcc.bmsql_warehouse.csv.

  2. Generate the CSV file.

    ./ props.mysql
  3. Use Lightning to load data.

    To load data using Lightning, see TiDB Lightning Deployment. The following steps introduce how to use TiDB Ansible to deploy Lightning and use Lightning to load data.

    1. Edit inventory.ini.

      It is recommended to manually specify the deployed IP address, the port, and the deployment directory to avoid anomalies caused by conflicts. For the disk space of import_dir, see TiDB Lightning Deployment. data_source_dir refers to the directory where the CSV files are stored as mentioned before.

      [importer_server] IS1 ansible_host= deploy_dir=/data2/is1 tikv_importer_port=13323 import_dir=/data2/import [lightning_server] LS1 ansible_host= deploy_dir=/data2/ls1 tidb_lightning_pprof_port=23323 data_source_dir=/home/user/csv
    2. Edit conf/tidb-lightning.yml.

      mydumper: no-schema: true csv: separator: ',' delimiter: '' header: false not-null: false 'null': 'NULL' backslash-escape: true trim-last-separator: false
    3. Deploy Lightning and Importer.

      ansible-playbook deploy.yml --tags=lightning
    4. Start Lightning and Importer.

      • Log into the server where Lightning and Importer are deployed.
      • Enter the deployment directory.
      • Execute scripts/ under the Importer directory to start Importer.
      • Execute scripts/ under the Lightning directory to begin to load data.

      Because you've used TiDB Ansible deployment method, you can see the loading progress of Lightning on the monitoring page, or check whether the loading process is completed through the log.

Fourth, after successfully loading data, you can run sql.common/test.sql to validate the correctness of the data. If all SQL statements return an empty result, then the data is correctly loaded.

Run the test

Run the following BenchmarkSQL test script:

nohup ./ props.mysql &> test.log &

After the execution is finished, view the result using test.log:

07:09:53,455 [Thread-351] INFO jTPCC : Term-00, Measured tpmC (NewOrders) = 77373.25 07:09:53,455 [Thread-351] INFO jTPCC : Term-00, Measured tpmTOTAL = 171959.88 07:09:53,455 [Thread-351] INFO jTPCC : Term-00, Session Start = 2019-03-21 07:07:52 07:09:53,456 [Thread-351] INFO jTPCC : Term-00, Session End = 2019-03-21 07:09:53 07:09:53,456 [Thread-351] INFO jTPCC : Term-00, Transaction Count = 345240

The value in the tpmC section is the testing result.

After the test completes, you can also run sql.common/test.sql to validate the correctness of the data. If all SQL statements return an empty result, then the testing of the data is correctly performed.