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TiDB Ansible Common Operations

This guide describes the common operations when you administer a TiDB cluster using TiDB Ansible.

Start a cluster

ansible-playbook start.yml

This operation starts all the components in the entire TiDB cluster in order, which include PD, TiDB, TiKV, and the monitoring components.

Stop a cluster

ansible-playbook stop.yml

This operation stops all the components in the entire TiDB cluster in order, which include PD, TiDB, TiKV, and the monitoring components.

Clean up cluster data

ansible-playbook unsafe_cleanup_data.yml

This operation stops the TiDB, Pump, TiKV and PD services, and cleans up the data directory of Pump, TiKV and PD.

Destroy a cluster

ansible-playbook unsafe_cleanup.yml

This operation stops the cluster and cleans up the data directory.