Perform a Rolling Update to a TiDB Cluster in Kubernetes

When you perform a rolling update to a TiDB cluster in Kubernetes, the Pod is shut down and recreated with the new image or/and configuration serially in the order of PD, TiKV, TiDB. Under the highly available deployment topology (minimum requirements: PD * 3, TiKV * 3, TiDB * 2), performing a rolling update to PD and TiKV servers does not impact the running clients.

  • For the clients that can retry stale connections, performing a rolling update to TiDB servers neither impacts the running clients.
  • For the clients that can not retry stale connections, performing a rolling update to TiDB servers will close the client connections and cause the request to fail. For this situation, it is recommended to add a function for the clients to retry, or to perform a rolling update to TiDB servers in idle time.

Upgrade the version of TiDB cluster

  1. Change the image of PD, TiKV and TiDB to different image versions in the values.yaml file.

  2. Run the helm upgrade command:

    helm upgrade <release-name> pingcap/tidb-cluster -f values.yaml --version=<chart_version>
  3. Check the upgrade progress:

    watch kubectl -n <namespace> get pod -o wide

Change the configuration of TiDB cluster

By default, changes to the configuration files are applied to the TiDB cluster automatically through a rolling update. You can disable this feature by setting the enableConfigMapRollout variable to false in the values.yaml file, if so, the change of configuration will be loaded until the server being restarted.

You can change the configuration of TiDB cluster through the following steps:

  1. Make sure the enableConfigMapRollout feature is not disabled explicitly in the values.yaml file.

  2. Change the configurations in the values.yaml file as needed.

  3. Run the helm upgrade command:

    helm upgrade <release-name> pingcap/tidb-cluster -f values.yaml --version=<chart_version>
  4. Check the upgrade process:

    watch kubectl -n <namespace> get pod -o wide

Force an upgrade of TiDB cluster

If the PD cluster is unavailable due to factors such as PD configuration error, PD image tag error and NodeAffinity, then scaling the TiDB cluster, upgrading the TiDB cluster and changing the TiDB cluster configuration cannot be done successfully.

In this case, you can use force-upgrade (the version of TiDB Operator must be later than v1.0.0-beta.3) to force an upgrade of the cluster to recover cluster functionality.

First, set annotation for the cluster:

kubectl annotate --overwrite tc <release-name> -n <namespace>

Then execute the helm upgrade command to continue your interrupted operation:

helm upgrade <release-name> pingcap/tidb-cluster -f values.yaml --version=<chart-version>