TiDB Binlog Drainer Configurations in Kubernetes
This document introduces the configuration parameters for a TiDB Binlog drainer in Kubernetes.
Configuration parameters
The following table contains all configuration parameters available for the tidb-drainer
chart. Refer to Use Helm to learn how to configure these parameters.
Parameter | Description | Default Value |
clusterName | The name of the source TiDB cluster | demo |
clusterVersion | The version of the source TiDB cluster | v3.0.1 |
baseImage | The base image of TiDB Binlog | pingcap/tidb-binlog |
imagePullPolicy | The pulling policy of the image | IfNotPresent |
logLevel | The log level of the drainer process | info |
storageClassName | storageClass used by the drainer. storageClassName refers to a type of storage provided by the Kubernetes cluster, which might map to a level of service quality, a backup policy, or to any policy determined by the cluster administrator. Detailed reference: storage-classes | local-storage |
storage | The storage limit of the drainer Pod. Note that you should set a larger size if db-type is set to pb | 10Gi |
disableDetect | Determines whether to disable casualty detection | false |
initialCommitTs | Used to initialize a checkpoint if the drainer does not have one | 0 |
config | The configuration file passed to the drainer. Detailed reference: drainer.toml | (see below) |
resources | The resource limits and requests of the drainer Pod | {} |
nodeSelector | Ensures that the drainer Pod is only scheduled to the node with the specific key-value pair as the label. Detailed reference: nodeselector | {} |
tolerations | Applies to drainer Pods, allowing the Pods to be scheduled to the nodes with specified taints. Detailed reference: taint-and-toleration | {} |
affinity | Defines scheduling policies and preferences of the drainer Pod. Detailed reference: affinity-and-anti-affinity | {} |
The default value of config
detect-interval = 10
compressor = ""
worker-count = 16
disable-dispatch = false
safe-mode = false
txn-batch = 20
db-type = "file"
dir = "/data/pb"