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Storage sink 消费程序设计

本文介绍如何设计和实现一个 TiDB 数据变更的消费程序。

TiCDC 不提供消费存储服务的数据的标准实现。本文介绍一个基于 Golang 的消费示例程序,该示例程序能够读取存储服务中的数据并写入到兼容 MySQL 的下游数据库。你可以参考本文提供的数据格式和以下示例代码实现消费端。

Golang 示例代码

Consumer 设计

下图是 Consumer 的整体消费流程:

TiCDC storage consumer overview

以下是 Consumer 消费流程中的组件和功能定义,及其功能注释:

type StorageReader struct { } // Read the files from storage // Add newly added files and delete files that not exist in storage func (c *StorageReader) ReadFiles() {} // Query newly added files and the latest checkpoint from storage,one file can only be returned once func (c *StorageReader) ExposeNewFiles() (int64, []string) {} // ConsumerManager is responsible for assigning tasks to TableConsumer. // Different consumers can consume data concurrently, // but data of one table must be processed by the same TableConsumer. type ConsumerManager struct { // StorageCheckpoint is recorded in metadata file and it can be fetched by calling `StorageReader.ExposeNewFiles()`. // It indicates that the data whose transaction commit time is less than this checkpoint has been stored in storage StorageCheckpoint int64 // it indicates where the consumer has consumed // ConsumerManager periodically collects TableConsumer.Checkpoint, // then Checkpoint is updated to the minimum value of all TableConsumer.Checkpoint Checkpoint int64 tableFiles[schema][table]*TableConsumer } // Query newly files from StorageReader // For new created table, create a TableConsumer for the new table // If any, send new files to the corresponding TableConsumer func (c *ConsumerManager) Dispatch() {} type TableConsumer struct { // it indicates where this TableConsumer has consumed // Its initial value is ConsumerManager.Checkpoint // TableConsumer.Checkpoint is equal to TableVersionConsumer.Checkpoint Checkpoint int64 schema,table string // Must be consumed sequentially according to the table version order verConsumers map[version int64]*TableVersionConsumer currentVer, previousVer int64 } // Send newly files to the corresponding TableVersionConsumer // For any DDL, assign a TableVersionConsumer for the new table version func (tc *TableConsumer) Dispatch() {} // If DDL query is empty or its tableVersion is less than TableConsumer.Checkpoint, // - ignore this DDL, and consume the data under the table version // Otherwise, // - execute DDL first, and then consume the data under the table version // - But for dropped table, self recycling after drop table DDL is executed func (tc *TableConsumer) ExecuteDDL() {} type TableVersionConsumer struct { // it indicates where the TableVersionConsumer has consumed // Its initial value is TableConsumer.Checkpoint Checkpoint int64 schema,table,version string // For same table version, data in different partitions can be consumed concurrently # partitionNum int64 // Must be consumed sequentially according to the data file number fileSet map[filename string]*TableVersionConsumer currentVersion } // If data commit ts is less than TableConsumer.Checkpoint // or bigger than ConsumerManager.StorageCheckpoint, // - ignore this data // Otherwise, // - process this data and write it to MySQL func (tc *TableVersionConsumer) ExecuteDML() {}

DDL 事件的处理


├── metadata └── test ├── tbl_1 │ └── 437752935075545091 │ ├── CDC000001.json │ └── schema.json

此时,首先需要解析 schema.json 文件中的表结构信息,从中获取 DDL Query 语句,并将其分为两种情况处理:

  • 如果 DDL Query 为空或者 TableVersion 小于 consumer checkpoint 则跳过该语句。
  • 否则,在下游 MySQL 数据库中执行获取到的 DDL 语句。

接着再开始同步数据文件 CDC000001.json

例如,以下的 test/tbl_1/437752935075545091/schema.json 文件中 DDL Query 不为空:

{ "Table":"test", "Schema":"tbl_1", "Version": 1, "TableVersion":437752935075545091, "Query": "create table tbl_1 (Id int primary key, LastName char(20), FirstName varchar(30), HireDate datetime, OfficeLocation Blob(20))", "TableColumns":[ { "ColumnName":"Id", "ColumnType":"INT", "ColumnNullable":"false", "ColumnIsPk":"true" }, { "ColumnName":"LastName", "ColumnType":"CHAR", "ColumnLength":"20" }, { "ColumnName":"FirstName", "ColumnType":"VARCHAR", "ColumnLength":"30" }, { "ColumnName":"HireDate", "ColumnType":"DATETIME" }, { "ColumnName":"OfficeLocation", "ColumnType":"BLOB", "ColumnLength":"20" } ], "TableColumnsTotal":"5" }

当程序再次遍历目录,发现该表新增了一个版本目录。程序先消费完 test/tbl_1/437752935075545091 目录下的所有文件,然后再消费新目录下的数据。

├── metadata └── test ├── tbl_1 │ ├── 437752935075545091 │ │ ├── CDC000001.json │ │ └── schema.json │ └── 437752935075546092 │ │ └── CDC000001.json │ │ └── schema.json

消费逻辑跟上述一致,先解析 schema.json 文件中的表结构信息,从中获取 DDL Query 语句并按不同情况处理,然后同步数据文件 CDC000001.json

DML 事件的处理

在处理完 DDL 事件后,可以在 {schema}/{table}/{table-version-separator}/ 目录下,根据具体的文件格式(CSV 或 Canal-JSON)并按照文件序号依次处理 DML 事件。

因为 TiCDC 提供 At Least Once 语义,可能出现重复发送数据的情况,所以需要在消费程序中比较数据事件的 commit ts 和 consumer checkpoint,并在 commit ts 小于 consumer checkpoint 的情况下进行去重处理。