

group by

出于便捷的考量,MySQL “扩展” 了 group by 语法,使 select 子句可以引用未在 group by 子句中声明的非聚集字段,也就是 non-full group by 语法。在其他数据库中,这被认为是一种语法错误,因为这会导致结果集不稳定。

在下例的 3 条 SQL 语句中,第一条 SQL 使用了 full group by 语法 ,所有在 select 子句中引用的字段,都在 group by 子句中有所声明,所以它的结果集是稳定的,可以看到 class 与 stuname 的全部组合共有三种;第二条与第三条是同一个 SQL,但它在两次执行时得到了不同的结果,这条 SQL 的 group by 子句中仅声明了一个 class 字段,因此结果集只会针对 class 进行聚集,class 的唯一值有两个,也就是说结果集中只会包含两行数据,而 class 与 stuname 的全部组合共有三种,班级 2018_CS_03 有两位同学,每次执行时返回哪位同学是没有语义上的限制的,都是符合语义的结果。

mysql> SELECT a.class, a.stuname, max(b.courscore) from stu_info a join stu_score b on a.stuno=b.stuno group by a.class, a.stuname order by a.class, a.stuname; +------------+--------------+------------------+ | class | stuname | max(b.courscore) | +------------+--------------+------------------+ | 2018_CS_01 | MonkeyDLuffy | 95.5 | | 2018_CS_03 | PatrickStar | 99.0 | | 2018_CS_03 | SpongeBob | 95.0 | +------------+--------------+------------------+ 3 rows in set (0.00 sec) mysql> select a.class, a.stuname, max(b.courscore) from stu_info a join stu_score b on a.stuno=b.stuno group by a.class order by a.class, a.stuname; +------------+--------------+------------------+ | class | stuname | max(b.courscore) | +------------+--------------+------------------+ | 2018_CS_01 | MonkeyDLuffy | 95.5 | | 2018_CS_03 | SpongeBob | 99.0 | +------------+--------------+------------------+ 2 rows in set (0.01 sec) mysql> select a.class, a.stuname, max(b.courscore) from stu_info a join stu_score b on a.stuno=b.stuno group by a.class order by a.class, a.stuname; +------------+--------------+------------------+ | class | stuname | max(b.courscore) | +------------+--------------+------------------+ | 2018_CS_01 | MonkeyDLuffy | 95.5 | | 2018_CS_03 | PatrickStar | 99.0 | +------------+--------------+------------------+ 2 rows in set (0.01 sec)

因此,想保障 group by 语句结果集的稳定,请使用 full group by 语法。

MySQL 提供了一个 SQL_MODE 开关 ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY 来控制是否进行 full group by 语法的检查,TiDB 也兼容了这个 SQL_MODE 开关:

mysql> select a.class, a.stuname, max(b.courscore) from stu_info a join stu_score b on a.stuno=b.stuno group by a.class order by a.class, a.stuname; +------------+--------------+------------------+ | class | stuname | max(b.courscore) | +------------+--------------+------------------+ | 2018_CS_01 | MonkeyDLuffy | 95.5 | | 2018_CS_03 | PatrickStar | 99.0 | +------------+--------------+------------------+ 2 rows in set (0.01 sec) mysql> set @@sql_mode='STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION,ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY'; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec) mysql> select a.class, a.stuname, max(b.courscore) from stu_info a join stu_score b on a.stuno=b.stuno group by a.class order by a.class, a.stuname; ERROR 1055 (42000): Expression #2 of ORDER BY is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column '' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by

运行结果简述:上例为 sql_mode 设置了 ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY 的效果。

order by

在 SQL 的语义中,只有使用了 order by 语法才会保障结果集的顺序输出。而单机数据库由于数据都存储在一台服务器上,在不进行数据重组时,多次执行的结果往往是稳定的,有些数据库(尤其是 MySQL InnoDB 存储引擎)还会按照主键或索引的顺序进行结果集的输出。TiDB 是分布式数据库,数据被存储在多台服务器上,另外 TiDB 层不缓存数据页,因此不含 order by 的 SQL 语句的结果集展现顺序容易被感知到不稳定。想要按顺序输出的结果集,需明确地把要排序的字段添加到 order by 子句中,这符合 SQL 的语义。

在下面的案例中,用户只在 order by 子句中添加了一个字段,TiDB 只会按照这一个字段进行排序。

mysql> select a.class, a.stuname, b.course, b.courscore from stu_info a join stu_score b on a.stuno=b.stuno order by a.class; +------------+--------------+-------------------------+-----------+ | class | stuname | course | courscore | +------------+--------------+-------------------------+-----------+ | 2018_CS_01 | MonkeyDLuffy | PrinciplesofDatabase | 60.5 | | 2018_CS_01 | MonkeyDLuffy | English | 43.0 | | 2018_CS_01 | MonkeyDLuffy | OpSwimming | 67.0 | | 2018_CS_01 | MonkeyDLuffy | OpFencing | 76.0 | | 2018_CS_01 | MonkeyDLuffy | FundamentalsofCompiling | 88.0 | | 2018_CS_01 | MonkeyDLuffy | OperatingSystem | 90.5 | | 2018_CS_01 | MonkeyDLuffy | PrincipleofStatistics | 69.0 | | 2018_CS_01 | MonkeyDLuffy | ProbabilityTheory | 76.0 | | 2018_CS_01 | MonkeyDLuffy | Physics | 63.5 | | 2018_CS_01 | MonkeyDLuffy | AdvancedMathematics | 95.5 | | 2018_CS_01 | MonkeyDLuffy | LinearAlgebra | 92.5 | | 2018_CS_01 | MonkeyDLuffy | DiscreteMathematics | 89.0 | | 2018_CS_03 | SpongeBob | PrinciplesofDatabase | 88.0 | | 2018_CS_03 | SpongeBob | English | 79.0 | | 2018_CS_03 | SpongeBob | OpBasketball | 92.0 | | 2018_CS_03 | SpongeBob | OpTennis | 94.0 | | 2018_CS_03 | PatrickStar | LinearAlgebra | 6.5 | | 2018_CS_03 | PatrickStar | AdvancedMathematics | 5.0 | | 2018_CS_03 | SpongeBob | DiscreteMathematics | 72.0 | | 2018_CS_03 | PatrickStar | ProbabilityTheory | 12.0 | | 2018_CS_03 | PatrickStar | PrincipleofStatistics | 20.0 | | 2018_CS_03 | PatrickStar | OperatingSystem | 36.0 | | 2018_CS_03 | PatrickStar | FundamentalsofCompiling | 2.0 | | 2018_CS_03 | PatrickStar | DiscreteMathematics | 14.0 | | 2018_CS_03 | PatrickStar | PrinciplesofDatabase | 9.0 | | 2018_CS_03 | PatrickStar | English | 60.0 | | 2018_CS_03 | PatrickStar | OpTableTennis | 12.0 | | 2018_CS_03 | PatrickStar | OpPiano | 99.0 | | 2018_CS_03 | SpongeBob | FundamentalsofCompiling | 43.0 | | 2018_CS_03 | SpongeBob | OperatingSystem | 95.0 | | 2018_CS_03 | SpongeBob | PrincipleofStatistics | 90.0 | | 2018_CS_03 | SpongeBob | ProbabilityTheory | 87.0 | | 2018_CS_03 | SpongeBob | Physics | 65.0 | | 2018_CS_03 | SpongeBob | AdvancedMathematics | 55.0 | | 2018_CS_03 | SpongeBob | LinearAlgebra | 60.5 | | 2018_CS_03 | PatrickStar | Physics | 6.0 | +------------+--------------+-------------------------+-----------+ 36 rows in set (0.01 sec)

当遇到相同的 order by 值时,排序结果不稳定。为减少随机性,应当尽可能保持 order by 值的唯一性。不能保证唯一的继续加,保证 order by 的字段组合是唯一时,结果才能唯一。

由于 group_concat() 中没有使用 order by 导致结果集不稳定

结果集不稳定是因为 TiDB 是并行地从存储层读取数据,所以 group_concat() 在不加 order by 的情况下得到的结果集展现顺序容易被感知到不稳定。

group_concat() 要获取到按顺序输出的结果集,需要把用于排序的字段添加到 order by 子句中,这样才符合 SQL 的语义。在下面的案例中,使用 group_concat() 不加 order by 的情况下拼接 customer_id ,造成结果集不稳定:

  1. 不加 order by


    mysql> select GROUP_CONCAT( customer_id SEPARATOR ',' ) FROM customer where customer_id like '200002%'; +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | GROUP_CONCAT(customer_id SEPARATOR ',') | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 20000200992,20000200993,20000200994,20000200995,20000200996,20000200... | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+


    mysql> select GROUP_CONCAT( customer_id SEPARATOR ',' ) FROM customer where customer_id like '200002%'; +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | GROUP_CONCAT(customer_id SEPARATOR ',') | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 20000203040,20000203041,20000203042,20000203043,20000203044,20000203... | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  2. 加 order by


    mysql> select GROUP_CONCAT( customer_id order by customer_id SEPARATOR ',' ) FROM customer where customer_id like '200002%'; +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | GROUP_CONCAT(customer_id SEPARATOR ',') | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 20000200000,20000200001,20000200002,20000200003,20000200004,20000200... | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+


    mysql> select GROUP_CONCAT( customer_id order by customer_id SEPARATOR ',' ) FROM customer where customer_id like '200002%'; +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | GROUP_CONCAT(customer_id SEPARATOR ',') | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 20000200000,20000200001,20000200002,20000200003,20000200004,20000200... | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+

select * from t limit n 的结果不稳定

返回结果与数据在存储节点 (TiKV) 上的分布有关。如果进行了多次查询,存储节点 (TiKV) 不同存储单元 (Region) 返回结果的速度不同,会造成结果不稳定。