TiDB 6.5.3 Release Notes
Release date: June 14, 2023
TiDB version: 6.5.3
Quick access: Quick start | Production deployment | Installation packages
- Improve the performance of
on partitioned tables with Placement Rules #43070 @Lloyd-Pottiger - Avoid invalid Stale Read retries after resolving locks #43659 @you06
- Reduce latency by using leader read when Stale Read encounters the
error #765 @Tema - Add
Stale Read OPS
andStale Read MBps
metrics to track hit rate and traffic when using Stale Read #43325 @you06
- Improve the performance of
- Optimize the way TiCDC handles DDLs so that DDLs do not block the use of other unrelated DML Events, and reduce memory usage #8106 @asddongmen
- Optimize the Decoder interface and add a new method
#8861 @3AceShowHand - Optimize the directory structure when DDL events occur in the scenario of replicating data to object storage #8890 @CharlesCheung96
- Support replicating data to the Kafka-on-Pulsar downstream #8892 @hi-rustin
- Support using the OAuth protocol for validation when replicating data to Kafka #8865 @hi-rustin
- Optimize the way TiCDC handles the
statement during data replication using the Avro or CSV protocol, by splittingUPDATE
statements, so that you can get the old value from theDELETE
statement #9086 @3AceShowHand - Add a configuration item
to control whether to set the authentication algorithm in the scenario of enabling TLS #8867 @hi-rustin - Optimize DDL replication operations to mitigate the impact of DDL operations on downstream latency #8686 @hi-rustin
- Optimize the method of setting GC TLS for the upstream when the TiCDC replication task fails #8403 @charleszheng44
TiDB Binlog
Bug fixes
- Fix the issue that the
min, max
query result is incorrect #43805 @wshwsh12 - Fix the issue of incorrect execution plans when pushing down window functions to TiFlash #43922 @gengliqi
- Fix the issue that the query with CTE causes TiDB to hang #43749 #36896 @guo-shaoge
- Fix the issue that the SQL statement reports the
runtime error: index out of range
error when using theAES_DECRYPT
expression #43063 @lcwangchao - Fix the issue that the
statement cannot display the TxnStart of the transaction of the statement with a long subquery time #40851 @crazycs520 - Fix the issue that PD isolation might block the running DDL #44014 #43755 #44267 @wjhuang2016
- Fix the TiDB panic issue that occurs when querying union views and temporary tables with
#42563 @lcwangchao - Fix the behavior issue of Placement Rules in partitioned tables, so that the Placement Rules in deleted partitions can be correctly set and recycled #44116 @lcwangchao
- Fix the issue that truncating a partition of a partitioned table might cause the Placement Rule of the partition to become invalid #44031 @lcwangchao
- Fix the issue that TiCDC might lose some row changes during table renaming #43338 @tangenta
- Fix the issue that the DDL job history is lost after importing a table using BR #43725 @tangenta
- Fix the issue that
might report an error in some cases #39806 @YangKeao - Fix the issue that the cluster cannot query some system views in IPv6 environment #43286 @Defined2014
- Fix the issue that when the PD member address changes, allocating ID for the
column will be blocked for a long time #42643 @tiancaiamao - Fix the issue that TiDB sends duplicate requests to PD during placement rules recycling, causing numerous
full config reset
entries in the PD log #33069 @tiancaiamao - Fix the issue that the
statement returns an incomplete privilege list #40591 @CbcWestwolf - Fix the issue that
returns incorrect results #42298 @CbcWestwolf - Fix the issue that the
user fails to be created when the password complexity check is enabled #44098 @CbcWestwolf - Fix the issue of not finding the partition during inner join in dynamic pruning mode #43686 @mjonss
- Fix the issue that the
Data Truncated
warning occurs when executingMODIFY COLUMN
on a partitioned table #41118 @mjonss - Fix the issue of displaying the incorrect TiDB address in IPv6 environment #43260 @nexustar
- Fix the issue that CTE results are incorrect when pushing down predicates #43645 @winoros
- Fix the issue that incorrect results might be returned when using a common table expression (CTE) in statements with non-correlated subqueries #44051 @winoros
- Fix the issue that Join Reorder might cause incorrect outer join results #44314 @AilinKid
- Fix the issue that in some extreme cases, when the first statement of a pessimistic transaction is retried, resolving locks on this transaction might affect transaction correctness #42937 @MyonKeminta
- Fix the issue that in some rare cases, residual pessimistic locks of pessimistic transactions might affect data correctness when GC resolves locks #43243 @MyonKeminta
- Fix the issue that the scan detail information during the execution of
batch cop
might be inaccurate #41582 @you06 - Fix the issue that TiDB cannot read data updates when Stale Read and
statements are used at the same time #43044 @you06 - Fix the issue that an
assertion failed
error might be mistakenly reported when executing theLOAD DATA
statement #43849 @you06 - Fix the issue that the coprocessor cannot fall back to the leader when a
region data not ready
error occurs during the use of Stale Read #43365 @you06
- Fix the issue that the
- Fix the issue of file handle leakage in Continuous Profiling #14224 @tabokie
- Fix the issue that PD crash might cause PITR to fail to proceed #14184 @YuJuncen
- Fix the issue that encryption key ID conflict might cause the deletion of the old keys #14585 @tabokie
- Fix the issue that autocommit and point get replica read might break linearizability #14715 @cfzjywxk
- Fix the performance degradation issue caused by accumulated lock records when a cluster is upgraded from a previous version to v6.5 or later versions #14780 @MyonKeminta
- Fix the issue that TiDB Lightning might cause SST file leakage #14745 @YuJuncen
- Fix the potential conflict between the encryption key and raft log file deletion that might cause TiKV to fail to start #14761 @Connor1996
- Fix the performance degradation issue of the partition TableScan operator during Region transfer #7519 @Lloyd-Pottiger
- Fix the issue that a TiFlash query might report an error if the
type field is present along with theTIMESTAMP
type #7468 @Lloyd-Pottiger - Fix the issue that large update transactions might cause TiFlash to repeatedly report errors and restart #7316 @JaySon-Huang
- Fix the issue that the error "Truncate error cast decimal as decimal" occurs when reading data from TiFlash with the
statement #7348 @windtalker - Fix the issue that queries might consume more memory than needed when the data on the Join build side is very large and contains many small string type columns #7416 @yibin87
Backup & Restore (BR)
- Fix an OOM issue that might occur when there are as many as 50,000 tables #7872 @sdojjy
- Fix the issue that TiCDC gets stuck when an OOM occurs in upstream TiDB #8561 @overvenus
- Fix the issue that TiCDC gets stuck when PD fails such as network isolation or PD Owner node reboot #8808 #8812 #8877 @asddongmen
- Fix the issue of TiCDC time zone setting #8798 @hi-rustin
- Fix the issue that checkpoint lag increases when one of the upstream TiKV nodes crashes #8858 @hicqu
- Fix the issue that when replicating data to downstream MySQL, a replication error occurs after the
statement is executed in the upstream TiDB #8040 @asddongmen - Fix the issue that when replicating data to object storage, the
operation in the upstream cannot be properly replicated to the downstream #8914 @CharlesCheung96 - Fix the OOM issue caused by excessive memory usage of the sorter component in some special scenarios #8974 @hicqu
- Fix the issue that when the downstream is Kafka, TiCDC queries the downstream metadata too frequently and causes excessive workload in the downstream #8957 #8959 @hi-rustin
- Fix the issue that when a replication error occurs due to an oversized Kafka message, the message body is recorded in the log #9031 @darraes
- Fix the TiCDC node panic that occurs when the downstream Kafka sinks are rolling restarted #9023 @asddongmen
- Fix the issue that when replicating data to storage services, the JSON file corresponding to downstream DDL statements does not record the default values of table fields #9066 @CharlesCheung96
TiDB Lightning
- Fix the issue that OOM might occur when importing a wide table #43728 @D3Hunter
- Fix the issue of
write to tikv with no leader returned
when importing a large amount of data #43055 @lance6716 - Fix a possible OOM problem when there is an unclosed delimiter in the data file #40400 @buchuitoudegou
- Add a retry mechanism when encountering an
unknown RPC
error during data import #43291 @D3Hunter
TiDB Binlog