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Restore Data from PV Using BR

This document describes how to restore the TiDB cluster data backed up using TiDB Operator in Kubernetes. BR is used to perform the restore.

PVs in this documentation can be any Kubernetes supported Persistent Volume types. This document uses NFS as an example PV type, and shows an example in which the backup data stored in the specified path on NFS is restored to the TiDB cluster.

The restore method described in this document is implemented based on Custom Resource Definition (CRD) in TiDB Operator v1.1 or later versions.


  1. Download backup-rbac.yaml, and execute the following command to create the role-based access control (RBAC) resources in the test2 namespace:

    kubectl apply -f backup-rbac.yaml -n test2
  2. Create the restore-demo2-tidb-secret secret which stores the root account and password needed to access the TiDB cluster:

    kubectl create secret generic restore-demo2-tidb-secret --from-literal=user=root --from-literal=password=<password> --namespace=test2
  3. Ensure that the NFS server is accessible from your Kubernetes cluster.

Required database account privileges

  • The SELECT and UPDATE privileges of the mysql.tidb table: Before and after the restore, the Restore CR needs a database account with these privileges to adjust the GC time.

Restore process

  1. Create the Restore custom resource (CR), and restore the specified data to your cluster:

    kubectl apply -f restore.yaml

    The content of restore.yaml file is as follows:

    --- apiVersion: kind: Restore metadata: name: demo2-restore-nfs namespace: test2 spec: # backupType: full br: cluster: demo2 clusterNamespace: test2 # logLevel: info # statusAddr: ${status-addr} # concurrency: 4 # rateLimit: 0 # checksum: true # # Only needed for TiDB Operator < v1.1.10 or TiDB < v4.0.8 # to: # host: ${tidb_host} # port: ${tidb_port} # user: ${tidb_user} # secretName: restore-demo2-tidb-secret local: prefix: backup-nfs volume: name: nfs nfs: server: ${nfs_server_if} path: /nfs volumeMount: name: nfs mountPath: /nfs
  2. After creating the Restore CR, execute the following command to check the restore status:

    kubectl get rt -n test2 -owide

The example above restores data from the local://${.spec.local.volumeMount.mountPath}/${.spec.local.prefix}/ directory on NFS to the demo2 TiDB cluster in the test2 namespace. For more information about local storage configuration, refer to Local storage fields.

In the example above, some parameters in can be ignored, such as logLevel, statusAddr, concurrency, rateLimit, checksum, timeAgo, and sendCredToTikv. For more information about BR configuration, refer to BR fields.

For more information about the Restore CR fields, refer to Restore CR fields.


If you encounter any problem during the restore process, refer to Common Deployment Failures.

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