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TiDB Operator v1.1 Notes

This document introduces important notes for TiDB Operator v1.1.

PingCAP no longer updates or maintains tidb-cluster chart

Since TiDB Operator v1.1.0, PingCAP no longer updates the tidb-cluster chart. The components and features that have been managed using the tidb-cluster chart will be managed in new ways in v1.1. See the following table for details:

Components/FeaturesManagements in TiDB Operator v1.1
TiDB Cluster (PD, TiDB, TiKV)TidbCluster CR
TiDB MonitorTidbMonitor CR
TiDB InitializerTidbInitializer CR
Scheduled BackupBackupSchedule CR
PumpTidbCluster CR
Drainertidb-drainer chart
Importertikv-importer chart
  • PingCAP will continue releasing new versions of the tidb-cluster chart but will not add new features to it. However, community members can still add new features to it.

  • If you have deployed your TiDB cluster by TiDB Operator (v1.0.0 <= version < v1.1), after TiDB Operator is upgraded to v1.1, you can still upgrade and manage your TiDB cluster using the tidb-cluster chart v1.1.

Switch the components and features managed by tidb-cluster chart to services fully supported by TiDB Operator v1.1

In TiDB Operator v1.1, you can still manage your cluster using Helm and the tidb-cluster chart. Although new features will not be added to the tidb-cluster chart, you can contribute new features to the tidb-cluster chart by yourself, or switch to services that are fully supported by TiDB Operator v1.1.

This section describes how to switch your components and features to services in TiBD Operator v1.1.


The Discovery service is generated by TiDB Operator automatically, so you do not need to configure it on your own.


In tidb-cluster chart, the configurations of PD, TiDB, and TiKV are rendered into ConfigMap by Helm.

Since TiDB Operator v1.1, you can configure TiDB, TiKV, and PD directly in TidbCluster Custom Resource (CR). For configuration details, refer to Configure a TiDB Cluster using TidbCluster.


To create the TidbMonitor CR and manage the Monitor component, refer to Monitor a TiDB Cluster.


  • If the initialization job is executed before TiDB Operator is upgraded to v1.1, the initialization job does not need to be migrated from the tidb-cluster chart to the TidbInitializer CR.

  • If the initialization job is not executed before TiDB Operator is upgraded to v1.1, and the password for the TiDB root user is not modified, you need to initialize your cluster after upgrading to TiDB Operator v1.1. For details, refer to Initialize a TiDB Cluster in Kubernetes.


After TiDB Operator is upgraded to v1.1, you can modify the TidbCluster CR and add the configuration of Pump. You can then manage the Pump component using TidbCluster CR.

spec ... pump: baseImage: pingcap/tidb-binlog version: v5.0.6 replicas: 1 storageClassName: local-storage requests: storage: 30Gi schedulerName: default-scheduler config: addr: gc: 7 heartbeat-interval: 2

You can modify version, replicas, storageClassName,, and other configurations according to the needs of your cluster.

Scheduled Backup

After TiDB Operator is upgraded to v1.1, you can configure the scheduled full backup using BackupSchedule CR:


  • If Drainer is not deployed before TiDB Operator is upgraded to v1.1, you can deploy Drainer as in Deploy multiple drainers.
  • If Drainer is already deployed using the tidb-drainer chart before TiDB Operator is upgraded to v1.1, it is recommended to continue managing Drainer using the tidb-drainer chart.
  • If Drainer is already deployed using the tidb-cluster chart before TiDB Operator is upgraded to v1.1, it is recommended to manage Drainer using kubectl.

TiKV Importer

  • If TiKV Importer is not deployed before TiDB Operator is upgraded to v1.1, you can deploy TiKV Importer as in Deploy TiKV Importer.
  • If TiKV Importer is already deployed before TiDB Operator is upgraded to v1.1, it is recommended to manage TiKV Importer using kubectl.

Switch other components or features managed by chart to services supported by TiDB Operator v1.1

This section describes how to switch other components and features managed by the chart to services in TiBD Operator v1.1.

Ad-hoc backup

After TiDB Operator is upgraded to v1.1, you can perform backup using the Backup CR. Backup with Dumpling supports full backup, and backup with BR supports both full backup and incremental backup.


After the TiDB Operator is upgraded to v1.1, you can restore data using the Restore CR.

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