Quick Start Guide for TiDB Data Migration

This document describes how to migrate data from MySQL to TiDB using TiDB Data Migration (DM).

If you need to deploy DM in the production environment, refer to the following documents:

Sample scenario

Suppose you deploy DM-master and DM-worker instances in an on-premise environment, and migrate data from an upstream MySQL instance to a downstream TiDB instance.

The detailed information of each instance is as follows:

InstanceServer AddressPort
DM-master127.0.0.18261, 8291 (Internal port)

Deploy DM using the binary package

Download DM binary package

Download DM v2.0 binary package or compile the package manually.

Method 1: Download the latest version of binary package

wget http://download.pingcap.org/dm-nightly-linux-amd64.tar.gz tar -xzvf dm-nightly-linux-amd64.tar.gz cd dm-nightly-linux-amd64

Method 2: Compile the latest version of binary package

git clone https://github.com/pingcap/dm.git cd dm make

Deploy DM-master

Execute the following command to start the DM-master:

nohup bin/dm-master --master-addr='' --log-file=/tmp/dm-master.log --name="master1" >> /tmp/dm-master.log 2>&1 &

Deploy DM-worker

Execute the following command to start the DM-worker:

nohup bin/dm-worker --worker-addr='' --log-file=/tmp/dm-worker.log --join='' --name="worker1" >> /tmp/dm-worker.log 2>&1 &

Check deployment status

To check whether the DM cluster has been deployed successfully, execute the following command:

bin/dmctl --master-addr= list-member

A normal DM cluster returns the following information:

{ "result": true, "msg": "", "members": [ { "leader": { "msg": "", "name": "master1", "addr": "" } }, { "master": { "msg": "", "masters": [ { "name": "master1", "memberID": "11007177379717700053", "alive": true, "peerURLs": [ "" ], "clientURLs": [ "" ] } ] } }, { "worker": { "msg": "", "workers": [ { "name": "worker1", "addr": "", "stage": "free", "source": "" } ] } } ] }

Migrate data from MySQL to TiDB

Prepare sample data

Before using DM, insert the following sample data to MySQL-3306:

drop database if exists `testdm`; create database `testdm`; use `testdm`; create table t1 (id bigint, uid int, name varchar(80), info varchar(100), primary key (`id`), unique key(`uid`)) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; create table t2 (id bigint, uid int, name varchar(80), info varchar(100), primary key (`id`), unique key(`uid`)) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; insert into t1 (id, uid, name) values (1, 10001, 'Gabriel García Márquez'), (2, 10002, 'Cien años de soledad'); insert into t2 (id, uid, name) values (3, 20001, 'José Arcadio Buendía'), (4, 20002, 'Úrsula Iguarán'), (5, 20003, 'José Arcadio');

Load data source configurations

Before running a data migration task, you need to first load the configuration file of the corresponding data source (that is, MySQL-3306 in the example) to DM.

Encrypt the data source password

For safety reasons, it is recommended to configure and use encrypted passwords for data sources. Suppose the password is "123456":

./bin/dmctl --encrypt "123456"

Save this encrypted value, and use it for creating a MySQL data source in the following steps.

Edit the source configuration file of the MySQL instance

Write the following configurations to conf/source1.yaml.

# MySQL1 Configuration. source-id: "mysql-replica-01" from: host: "" user: "root" password: "fCxfQ9XKCezSzuCD0Wf5dUD+LsKegSg=" port: 3306

Load data source configuration file

To load the data source configuration file of MySQL to the DM cluster using dmctl, run the following command in the terminal:

./bin/dmctl --master-addr= operate-source create conf/source1.yaml

The following is an example of the returned results:

{ "result": true, "msg": "", "sources": [ { "result": true, "msg": "", "source": "mysql-replica-01", "worker": "worker1" } ] }

Now you successfully add the data source MySQL-3306 to the DM cluster.

Create a data migration task

After inserting the sample data into MySQL-3306, take the following steps to migrate the tables testdm.t1 and testdm.t2 to the downstream TiDB instance:

  1. Create a task configuration file testdm-task.yaml, and add the following configurations to the file.

    --- name: testdm task-mode: all target-database: host: "" port: 4000 user: "root" password: "" # If the password is not null, it is recommended to use password encrypted with dmctl. mysql-instances: - source-id: "mysql-replica-01" block-allow-list: "ba-rule1" block-allow-list: ba-rule1: do-dbs: ["testdm"]
  2. Load the task configuration file using dmctl:

    ./bin/dmctl --master-addr start-task testdm-task.yaml

    The following is an example of the returned results:

    { "result": true, "msg": "", "sources": [ { "result": true, "msg": "", "source": "mysql-replica-01", "worker": "worker1" } ] }

Now you successfully create a data migration task that migrates data from MySQL-3306 to the downstream TiDB instance.

Check status of the data migration task

After the data migration task is created, you can use dmtcl query-status to check the status of the task. See the following example:

./bin/dmctl --master-addr query-status

The following is an example of the returned results:

{ "result": true, "msg": "", "tasks": [ { "taskName": "testdm", "taskStatus": "Running", "sources": [ "mysql-replica-01" ] } ] }