Create a Data Migration Task

You can use the start-task command to create a data migration task. When the data migration task is started, DM prechecks privileges and configurations.

help start-task
Starts a task as defined in the configuration file Usage: dmctl start-task [-s source ...] [--remove-meta] <config-file> [flags] Flags: -h, --help Help for start-task --remove-meta Whether to remove task's metadata Global Flags: -s, --source strings MySQL Source ID

Usage example

start-task [ -s "mysql-replica-01"] ./task.yaml

Flags description

  • -s: (Optional) Specifies the MySQL source to execute task.yaml. If it is set, the command only starts the subtasks of the specified task on the MySQL source.
  • config-file: (Required) Specifies the file path of task.yaml.
  • remove-meta: (Optional) Specifies whether to remove the task's previous metadata when starting the task.

Returned results

start-task task.yaml
{ "result": true, "msg": "", "sources": [ { "result": true, "msg": "", "source": "mysql-replica-01", "worker": "worker1" } ] }